Interesting and Humour - page 3670

Vladimir Karputov:

The beaver stole a herd of young cows

in fact, he was only interested in a few dominant heifers

The rest of them are just chasing after them.)

Vitalii Ananev:

You think so, but after several years of operating such a design, experts have come to the conclusion that it is difficult and costly to maintain all the mechanisms and electronics.
A man's life is nothing... It is much cheaper than sophisticated electronics and if they were to pay at least 2 million as insurance for every killed person - they would probably think differently and draw conclusions... the convention is still in their heads...

By the way, I don't know if the video from this channel was here or not, but I'll post it just in case...

The guy talks very interestingly about space and our planet.


Russian medics have found a replacement for meldonium- two citations:

  1. Other drugs - "times better" - will replace banned meldonium, FMBA chief says
  2. "We have found a replacement for meldonium, with several drugs not on the banned list that work many times better than meldonium"


But what are they, what are the names of the new heart and endurance drugs and where to buy them - he didn't say. Because meldonium is very popular - it is cheap and it is prescribed by doctors en masse to pensioners as injections and pills, and they give it in pharmacies without prescription.
And if there is a better one, why not say so?

Российские медики нашли замену мельдонию
Российские медики нашли замену мельдонию
По словам главы ФМБА, на смену запрещенному мельдонию придут другие препараты — «в разы лучше»
You want to buy L-carnitine (for shrinkage) and kudesan forte (to produce testosterone for lifting weights in the gym) at the gym pharmacy, and if you don't have time to go to the pharmacy in the morning, that's it: seniors are sold out (they use these drugs to improve brain function, etc.).

Meldonium (meldronate), thank God, is abundant in pharmacies, and it is not a panacea (it is best used by those who are going to run 10 km non-stop, for example, or are going on a camping trip ...). And now there is better ... until it is banned - it won't be on sale in our country.

By the way, I don't know if the video from this channel was here or not, but I'll post it just in case...

The guy talks very interestingly about space and our planet.

That's for Gerki Perelman, he knows how to run the universe ....

The locals won't make it.

He's not a one-task programmer, his wife is a one-tasker.

I've seen all kinds of "chain letters", but how about this one:

My name is Bakare Tunde and I am the brother of Nigeria's first astronaut, Nigerian Air Force Major Abak Tunde. My brother was the first African cosmonaut to go on a secret mission to the Soviet Salyut-6 station back in 1979. He later took part in the Soviet T-16Z Soyuz mission to the secret Soviet Salyut-8T space station. In 1990, when the USSR fell, he was just at the station. All the Russian crew members managed to return to earth, but my brother did not have enough room in the ship. Since then and until today, he has had to stay in orbit, with only the occasional Progress cargo ship supplying him with what he needs. Despite all this, my brother is undaunted but longs to return home to his native Nigeria. Over the long years he's been in space, his gradually increasing salary has amounted to 15,000,000 US dollars. This amount is currently being held in a bank in Lagos. If we can get access to the money, we will be able to pay Roscosmos the required amount and arrange a flight to Earth for my brother. The amount requested by Roscosmos is 3,000,000 American dollars. However, we need your help to get the amount because we as Nigerian civil servants are prohibited from all transactions with foreign accounts. Forever yours, Dr. Bakare Tunde, a leading astronautics expert.

Pity about the negro...