Interesting and Humour - page 3655

Andrey Dik:

Now he'll be lying there moaning like a pregnant woman "ouch, ouch, it hurts! I got hurt! ouch, ouch." They should have broken his nose at least so he wouldn't cry for nothing - who cares, it's all the same to pay the man's money...

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Sequence of Init() and DeInit() execution

Andrey Dik, 2017.04.13 22:55

You are the one who lacks understanding of design principles.

There is a wonderful proverb: "Give a fool a glass ***, he will both break the *** and cut his hands."

I have asked you 2 times the question: what for you may need to switch TFs frequently - what is the practical sense in these gestures (program actions). I have not got an answer.

I am not going to participate in idiotic debates about how to break something on purpose, I am an engineer not a terminator.

I guess he's a terminator after all. :)
Igor Konyashin:

Terminator, after all. :)
Okay. You can use another term for changing the face profile - straightening. It sounds more constructive.

Sunny - Musical Cartoon

Vladimir Zubov:

This Kukushkin is just another exalted devotee of the rule of law. He would do better to spend time on his education rather than drooling: the company itself cannot buy anything at all, not even a cheeseburger, because it is the shareholders' money, not the company's. And Kukushkin would do well to know that in relation to the customer, the market economy is based on the basic principle: DO NOT TRANSFORM, DO NOT SELL.
СанСаныч Фоменко:

This Kukushkin is just another exalted devotee of the rule of law. He would do better to spend time on his education rather than drooling: the company itself cannot buy anything at all, not even a cheeseburger, because it is the shareholders' money, not the company's. Also, Kukushkin would do well to know that in relation to the customer, the basic principle of market economics licks at the heart: DO NOT TRANSFORM, DO NOT SELL.

This principle works only for a while, and only for uninformed market participants, and as they start to understand that they are being cheated the network effect will kick in and the company will simply lose part of the market or even the whole market, so the market mechanism for all its flaws is the basic and universal corrector which makes them think about improving products and services, the globalisation effect and communication (all those tweets) speeds up the spread of information and makes the market justice happen sooner)))

This principle only works for a while, and only for uninformed market participants, and as they start to understand that they are being cheated the network effect will kick in and the company will simply lose part or even all of the market, so the market mechanism for all its flaws is a basic and universal corrector that makes you think about improving products and services, the globalisation effect and communication (all those tweets) speed up the spread of information and make market justice happen more quickly)))

The market capitalisation of a company (its share price) at this point has NOTHING to do with the real state of affairs of the company. In the 2008 crisis, the index fell by half, and now it has risen by three times. And what about production volumes? What about profits? And if you add to this the totally "unexpected" bankruptcies of very successful companies, banks... And their ratings were set by leading rating companies. They simply thrived a few days before bankruptcy.

This whole market economy in the sense of price regulation is bullshit. Even in a bazaar it doesn't work - everyone has the same price.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

The market capitalisation of a company (its share price) at this point has NOTHING to do with the real state of affairs in the company. In the crisis of 2008, the index fell by half, and now it has risen by 3 times. And what about production volumes? What about profits? And if you add to this the totally "unexpected" bankruptcies of very successful companies, banks... And their ratings were set by leading rating companies. They simply thrived a few days before bankruptcy.

This whole market economy in the sense of price regulation is bullshit. Even in a bazaar it doesn't work - everyone has the same price.

But you can not say that the capitalization is dependent on the marketing success of the company, it is another thing that there are expectations, undervaluation and overvaluation, of course it is not a static balance, but the dynamics, but humanity has not invented anything better, and you should not criticize the market economy, or there could be no place to buy dill)))))) - And how come there's only one price in the market? - That is not true! - Fortunately, we are not in the Soviet Union and prices are not dictated by the State Planning Committee, you can set any price, but the price is also limited by earning power, but we cannot call the current economy in this area a real market economy - it is unhealthy, when large networks drive out small retailers, and the state increases the reporting and tax burden making business unprofitable and individual entrepreneurs and small entrepreneurs are leaving the market, it is an abnormal unhealthy phenomenon ... in conclusion I want to stress that if the former soviet countries do not have a normal healthy market, it does not mean that this should apply to the whole concept and say that the market economy is evil, in the first place, no one is interested in a return to planned economy, even those close to the government, and secondly, to reject market competition in any form would be to sink into a swamp ...

Perhaps Kukushkin is wrong in his attempt to lick the Western "legal space" while drooling in Internet forums. But we understand that they have bourgeois, dishonest exploiters, scoundrels and bastards and it seems to be a custom to go straight to court. Our situation is different, some of us have summer residences, vineyards, properties beyond the border and even shoes from abroad, and for all this they have nothing - so happy to be free!All in all, they have anyone who goes to court there, but we can steal even more, and they, these scoundrels, immediately dismiss them, they are strange.In a word, it is hard and disgusting to live there.But what is incomprehensible is that our elite, whom we are proud of, sends their children there to study and live, probably to get them hardened and inoculated so that they would be better off and learn difficulties of life. In general, they are all dishonest there, but there is none like that, and thank God.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Perhaps Kukushkin is wrong in his attempt to lick the Western "legal space" while drooling in Internet forums. But we understand that they have bourgeois, dishonest exploiters, scoundrels and bastards - it seems to be a custom to go straight to court. Our situation is different, some of us have summer residences, vineyards, properties beyond the border and even shoes from abroad, and for all this they have nothing - so happy to be free!All in all, they have anyone who goes to court there, but we can steal even more, and they, these scoundrels, immediately dismiss them, they are strange.In a word, it is hard and disgusting to live there.What is incomprehensible is that our elite - that we are proud of, of course - sends their children there to study and live, probably to get them hardened and inoculated so that they would feel sick and learn the difficulties of life. In general, they are all cheaters there, but this one is not, and thank God.

Did you lick it?

Don't extrapolate your habits onto everyone