Interesting and Humour - page 3647


Don't spare two minutes of your time to watch it.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:
Stop working and get on with it.)

A group of engineers is standing over a blueprint.

The boss comes up and asks.

- What are you doing?

- Just... thinking.

- Stop thinking! Get to work!

Vladimir Karputov:

Don't spare two minutes of your time to watch it.

Boys played a joke on my niece when she was a child, now a big girl... gave her some iron, said it was gold and you could buy anything you wanted... the shop assistants must have laughed for a long time... since then, the kid has no sense of humour... She took up boxing... she beats guys at once...((
Sergey Golubev:

Not sorry, not calling, not crying...
I just don't have the time: I'm working and working and working.


Good morning.

It's a waste of time to go in the wrong direction... :)
Житель Великобритании обнаружил золотые слитки в советском танке
Житель Великобритании обнаружил золотые слитки в советском танке
Как сообщает The Sun, старый советский танк Т-54 был приобретен коллекционером из Великобритании Ником Мидом на eBay за $37 тыс. "Мид решил разобрать танк, чтобы убедиться, что внутри не осталось боеприпасов. Сняв крышку топливного бака, он увидел пять золотых слитков, стоимость которых составляет около $2,5 млн", - пишет издание. "Танк...
Vladimir Karputov:

Don't spare two minutes of your time to watch it.

Thank you
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Duck, because this tank has not been opened and looked come there is so much every tank will be dismantled to the smallest detail...)))
Vladimir Karputov:

about weekends -- well noted, there are a lot of nice things about weekends.

at work, all the nasty, shady business should be done at the weekend - by the time the boss shows up on Monday, it's sort of "self-defeating" - the "business" is done and the boss doesn't kick you in the teeth.


State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov has introduced in parliament a bill "On the legal regulation of social networks". According to the author, it will be a new federal law regulating communication on the Internet.

According to Milonov's initiative, children under 14 will not be able to use social networks "regardless of their citizenship". Registration on the social networks will be based on an identity card that identifies the user's age.

Users will not be able to register on social networks under false names. In addition, Milonov proposes to prohibit the distribution of screenshots of correspondence on social networks without the permission of those who participated in it.