Interesting and Humour - page 3619

Vitalii Ananev:

Why are you taking words out of context? Justify your assertion.

What does "words taken out of context" have to do with it?
Close [1]!=Open[0] neither in meaning nor in content.
You can use CopyTicks and you will understand what's what.
Andrey Dik:
What does "words taken out of context" have to do with it?
Close [1]!=Open[0] neither in meaning nor in content.
You can use CopyTicks and you'll understand what's what.

Not equal if there was a gap (which I wrote above, and you cut it out), and so they're usually equal. A 1000th of a price difference can be ignored.
Vitalii Ananev:

Not equal if there was a hep (which I wrote above and you cut out), but otherwise they are usually equal. A 1000th of a price difference can be ignored.
Do you want to debate this topic? You are wrong and the statement is completely illiterate on MT and MQL
Andrey Dik:
Do you want to debate on this topic? You are wrong, and your statement is completely illiterate on MT and MQL

I have no desire to prove anything to you. I do not see any practical sense in it.
михаил потапыч:

Members of the forum, don't forget to follow the rules

Always thought"forum people")))
Vitalii Ananev:

I have no desire to prove anything to you. I don't see any practical point in it.
А... Is that your idea of humor? I didn't get it right away, sorry.
Nikolay Gaylis:

Always thought"forum people"))

There are people who study roundelayers - that's roundelayers.

There are people who study choirboys - they are choirboys

There are people who study roundabouts - are they ...??


Give a man a fishing rod, teach him how to fish - and then he will still vote for whoever promises him a fish "for nothing".

Silence is the best way to fuck off

These and other sayings from Wall Street sharks

35 жёстких цитат от банкиров с Уолл-Стрит о жизни и о том, как делать деньги
35 жёстких цитат от банкиров с Уолл-Стрит о жизни и о том, как делать деньги
Фактрум публикует для своего читателя подборку резких и афористичных высказываний, подслушанных в лифтах и офисах самых влиятельных финансистов мира. Дай человеку удочку, научи его ловить — а потом он все равно проголосует за того, кто пообещает ему рыбу «просто так». Каждый разговор по мобильному я начинаю со слов: «О черт, мой телефон вот-вот...
Thanks, got a laugh).

Microsoft no longer supports Windows 7 and 8 on the latest hardware

Microsoft перестала поддерживать Windows 7 и 8 на новейшем "железе"
Microsoft перестала поддерживать Windows 7 и 8 на новейшем "железе"
Владельцы современных компьютеров под управлением Windows 7 и Windows 8.1, попытавшиеся установить последние обновления безопасности, получили ошибку о "неподдерживаемом оборудовании". Как оказалось, на этой неделе Microsoft прекратила поддержку устаревших операционных систем на новейшем "железе", о чем компания предупредила еще в январе...