Interesting and Humour - page 3557


I'll make it work. )))

that's why they're happy to have such a drill away from them ))

Vitalie Postolache:

I haven't seen one of these yet, I'll have to make one too, with a chainsaw engine)))

Looks like an airplane model or car model engine, lots of them sold on the internet.
Alexey Volchanskiy:
Looks like an airplane model or car model engine, lots of them sold on the internet.

This is the engine for the model, but it will cost about 200 quid for a 30-cubic-inch chain saw with delivery, without accessories. And at the construction market, you can buy a Chinese chainsaw with a 45cc engine for 80-100 quid, fully working, just take it off and put where you need.

Although, on the other hand, why do you need 2 horsepower for a drill? The drill gets stuck, it'll twist your arm.

Vitalie Postolache:

This is the engine for the model, but it will cost about 200 quid for a 30-cubic-inch chain saw with delivery, without accessories. And at the construction market, you can buy a Chinese chainsaw with a 45cc engine for 80-100 quid, fully working, just take it off and put where you need.

Although, on the other hand, why do you need 2 horsepower for a drill? The drill gets stuck, it'll twist your arm.

There's a ratchet on electric drills for that, but I used to remove the ratchet for drilling.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

During the war - the coolest award was for Courage

given to junior staff on the front line!

I once had an idea (but it was not supported): to give active users (determined by some objective criteria) virtual medals based on the number of bans. That is, an active, productive and useful forum user was banned, but survived. As many bans, as many medals.

The idea was taken as a joke, but somewhere in the English forums (I do not remember where, but not on our profile) such a system was (that is, the idea is not mine).
Sergey Golubev:
I had an idea once a long time ago (but it was not supported): to give active users (determined by some objective criteria) virtual medals according to the number of bans. That is, an active, productive and useful forum user was banned, but survived. As many bans, as many medals.

The idea was taken as a joke, but somewhere in the English forums (I can not remember now where, but not on our profile), this system was.
Adequate perception of the world, resilience!
There is a rating of signals, it is considered automatically with frequent updates. There can also be such a 'rating' of the user (according to the number of popular open threads, articles, etc.), which (rating), of course, is not published, and is considered within the portal.

There is, for example, an Achievements tab in the profile - it's like a rating, too. And there is a need to publish a different rating (so as not to "sort" users).

And if a user with such a high rating is banned, he or she will get out of the ban with a medal.

Sergey Golubev:
There is also a ranking of signals, counts automatically with frequent updates. Also, there may be such a 'rating' of the user (by the number of popular open threads, articles, etc.), which (rating) is of course not published, and counts inside the portal.

There is, for example, a tab Achievements in a profile - also as a rating. And here it is necessary other, not to publish (not to "sort" users).

And if a user with such a high rating is banned, he will get out of the ban with a medal.

And the old guys will start doing who knows what in order to hang another medal on his chest.

Say, I will send you somewhere every day (for example), you will banish me for 1 day. You can get 365 medals in a year!

Yeah, and then we will need to introduce restrictions, no more than one medal in hand no more than once a week, then start issuing coupons for the medals, then there will be queues for coupons ... Then comes capitalism, the most advanced and clever will privatize all the medals for next to nothing, then it will begin ... We know. We've been there.

Andrey Dik:


Let's say I send you somewhere every day (for example), you ban me for 1 day. You could rack up 365 medals in a year!


Well, it's only if we agree (as a match arranged football for example), and then there are nuances - "for sending" does not ban, but if you send a few posts, and even more in a row - there is only for flooding.
And if the user has a high rating, it is unlikely he will stoop to flooding. That is, define a number of reasons for bans, for which - a medal (exclude for flooding, etc.).

But this is unlikely to be approved ...

On some English forums a ban is already like a medal. I don't really follow forex-factory forum now, but I remember such discussion between users before - one says he's cooler because he's been in forex for 8 years. And the other one says that he has been banned on this forum 2 times and he was banned by the moderator [nickname] and the bans were due to the following reasons [short list]. And that's it. The discussion is over - the other one is cooler.
Sergey Golubev:
Well, it's only if we agree (like a football match arranged for example), and then there are nuances - "for sending" does not ban, but if you send a few posts, and even in a row - there is only for flooding.
And if the user has a high rating, it is unlikely he will stoop to flooding. That is, define a number of reasons for bans, for which - a medal (exclude for flooding, etc.).

But this is unlikely to be approved ...

On some English forums a ban is already like a medal. I don't really follow forex-factory forum now, but I remember such discussion between users before - one says that he is cooler because he has been in forex for 8 years. And the other one says that he has been banned on this forum 2 times and he was banned by the moderator [nickname] and the bans were due to the following reasons [short list]. And that's it. The discussion is over - the other is cooler.

Heh heh... You're very far behind the times, the old timers are flouncing all right! The reason for their flooding to me is not entirely clear, perhaps they are bored, they know everything and have nothing to do flood.

And there's a ban for "send" here. I don't know about there, but here they do.