Interesting and Humour - page 3554


good morning!



Meanwhile--------- the quote machine is driving the Euro upwards )

Thank you!

Well, the trembling in my hands is gone,
Now up!
♪ Now the fear has gone down the abyss ♪
♪ Forever, forever ♪
There's no reason to stop
♪ I'm slippin' along ♪
And there's no other peak in the world

What you can't take!

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Not really. One considers one's opinion to be a fact and the other an opinion. One must distinguish between opinion and fact. Even if only opinions, one must take into account the history of the origin of opinions. Opinions may be those that have no grounds, and those that have emerged on the basis of experience and understanding.

If there are facts on both sides, one must distinguish which one is more relevant in a given case.

There is a third case where the opponent is simply being brazenly odious, and he begins to twist and contradict himself, just to disagree, and then complains that there are trolls around.

But the moderators, unfortunately, do not bother to make such a deep distinction.

It's all quite peaceful here compared to YouTube, after all, it's not school kids here, but mostly intelligent people. Not long ago I saw a reel about the MiG-25, and people were boasting that it can fly at 4900 km/hour! Although on the Internet it is easy to find the data of its records in a light version, without weapons, locator, even removed the paint for weight. There were records like 3900. There was such a profanity-laden shit about it, it was disgusting. The schoolboys were fighting each other, that's for sure.

Tesla has announced that cars bought after 15 January 2017 will be charged for. Given the steep prices of the car itself, it's more profitable to drive on petrol/diesel. I have calculated roughly, it will cost $10 or more to fill up a 100km car.

Given the dollar exchange rate in Russia 60 rubles, a litre of diesel and gasoline will cost about $ 0.65. In other words, tesla has lost its main trump card - economy. By the way, they wrote that production is unprofitable.

Tesla назвала стоимость зарядки своих электромобилей на станциях Supercharger
Tesla назвала стоимость зарядки своих электромобилей на станциях Supercharger
Компания Tesla Motors начинает взимать плату за подзарядку своих электромобилей на станциях сети Supercharger. До сих пор владельцы электромобилей Tesla могли подзарядить свою машину с помощью установки Supercharger бесплатно. Однако в конце прошлого года стало известно, что будущим владельцам электрокаров компании за потребление энергии...


Meanwhile--------- the quote machine is driving the Euroupwards)

Thank you!Yuriy Zaytsev:

Well, the trembling in hands is gone,
Now - upwards!
Well, now the fear has gone down the abyss.
Forever, forever, -
There's no reason to stop ♪
♪ I'm slippin' along ♪
And there are no peaks like this in the world,

What you can't take!

Where's the data from?
Курс евро EUR к российскому рублю по ЦБ РФ на сегодня: Котировки валют на Яндекс.Новостях
График изменения курса евро в рублях по ЦБ РФ за неделю, месяц, квартал, год, всё время. Динамика, рост, падение, официальный курс EUR сегодня.
Alexey Volchanskiy:


In the meantime--------- the quote machine is driving the Euroupwards)

Where's the data from?

From where, just from a clean slate.

An intraday that doesn't look at D1 is like a blind pedestrian crossing the MKAD outside the zebra crossing on a foggy night.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Tesla has announced that cars bought after 15 January 2017 will be charged for. Given the steep prices of the car itself, it's more profitable to drive on petrol/diesel. I have calculated roughly, it will cost $10 or more to fill up a 100km car.

Given the dollar exchange rate in Russia 60 rubles, a litre of diesel and gasoline will cost about $ 0.65. In other words, tesla has lost its main trump card - economy. By the way, they wrote that production is unprofitable.

We still don't know how unprofitable his (Ilon Musk's) Falcon rockets are. There's an episode of The Simpsons about him. He bankrupted Springfield there.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Tesla has announced that cars bought after 15 January 2017 will be charged for. Given the steep prices of the car itself, it's more profitable to drive on petrol/diesel. I have calculated roughly, it will cost $10 or more to fill up a 100km car.

Given the dollar exchange rate in Russia 60 rubles, a litre of diesel and gasoline will cost about $ 0.65. In other words, tesla has lost its main trump card - economy. By the way, they wrote that production is unprofitable.

So far the problem is not the cost of electricity, but the fact that a litre of gasoline contains 10 times more energy than a kilo of battery. The cost of electricity is a second order optimization problem.

Tesla did the main thing: it launched a race of auto industry giants to build electric cars, and they themselves are building a battery gigafactory, i.e. they will be the main supplier of batteries for everything.

This concentration (read monopolisation) will allocate resources to improving batteries to achieve that very parity with petrol.

And in general Musk has achieved his first goal, he is now like Gagarin, the first man who launched the race for space for electric cars, proving that they are not toys but quite a sought after technology. He's already changed the world.

Nikolay Demko:

The problem so far is not the cost of electricity, but the fact that a litre of petrol contains 10 times more energy than a kilo of battery. The cost of electricity is a second-order optimization problem.

Tesla, on the other hand, has done the main thing: it has launched a race of auto industry giants to build electric cars, and they themselves are building a battery gigafactory, i.e. they will be the main supplier of batteries for everything.

This concentration (read monopolisation) will allocate resources to improving batteries to achieve that very parity with petrol.

And in general Musk has achieved his first goal, he is now like Gagarin, the first man who launched the race for space for electric cars, proving that they are not toys but quite a sought after technology. He's already changed the world.

Agreed, but the car costs over $100,000 + there's no savings on electricity now. And the company's pricing policy is very interesting, they charge users an annual fee, I think around $1000. And they don't make parts at all, you have to get them off of broken Tesla's.

Here's an interesting overview of those features.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Agreed, but the car costs over $100000 + no electricity savings now. And the company's pricing policy is very interesting, they charge users an annual fee, I think around $1000. And they don't make parts at all, you have to get them off of broken Tesla's.

Here's an interesting overview of those features.

I feel like you didn't read my post.

I'm telling you that Musk has bailed on Tesla, and is focusing on the gigafactory, will make batteries for everyone, including his competitors.

So he's found a niche where his competition will be minimal and his profits maximal.

However, Tesla will be involved only in order to keep competitors in tone and force them to get into the race, and as a result to buy more of Tesla batteries.

As they say "their morals".

ZS We could go on and on listing the companies that are already in the race, but I think the point is clear, the race is on.