Interesting and Humour - page 3553


Sergey Golubev:
There are times when users argue in threads, and sometimes in "high tones". The moderators call such friction "forum aggression", though of course it's not aggression ... that word should be put in quotes here too ... but why does it happen?

One of the English moderators found the reason (there are sometimes heated arguments in the English section too):

Good morning.

Not really. One considers one's opinion to be a fact and the opponent's fact to be an opinion. One has to distinguish between opinion and fact. Even if only opinions, one must consider the history of the origin of opinions. Opinions sometimes have no grounds, but have arisen on the basis of experience and understanding.

If there are facts on both sides, one must distinguish which one is more relevant in a given case.

There is a third case - just an impudent odiousness of the opponent, and he begins to twist and contradict himself, just to disagree, and then complains that there are trolls all around.

But the moderators, unfortunately, don't bother to make such a deep distinction.


Why did England leave the EU?

There was no one there to tell them, things are bad but you hang in there.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

I read what that moderator said -- to me, he said this: "I am the ultimate truth and whoever disagrees with that, then don't forget that I am the moderator and I decide what is allowed to be discussed and what is not."

Better get a handle on what an "argument" is firstСпор

"An argument is a clash of opinions, positions in which each side argues for its understanding."

So, it is necessary to understand who the disputants are at what level of fact and at what level of demagoguery. But for that, the moderator must understand the issue under discussion, and since the moderator is not required to enter all topics, demagogues take advantage of that. Although, perhaps it is not difficult to detect them (demagogues), enough attention span of 2-3 pages, on one page demagogue digs a hole, and the next is already floundering in it, the main thing to keep a good face.


Russia's problem is not that it can't feed the poor, but that the rich can't get drunk.


The warming of relations between Russia and Turkey is a good thing!

But no one knows the real reason, Russians are running out of towels and bathrobes from hotels.