Interesting and Humour - page 3546


People remember Nokia, eh 3310 has survived so many battles ........

Nokia продала все новые смартфоны за минуту
Nokia продала все новые смартфоны за минуту
  • 2017.01.19
  • Алексей Глинкин
Анонс смартфона состоялся всего пару недель назад, однако он вызвал большой ажиотаж среди китайцев: не прошло и нескольких минут, прежде чем магазин перестал принимать заказы на Nokia 6, пишет PlayFulDroid. Разработчики не сообщили, сколько смартфонов было в первой продаваемой партии. Тем не менее переживать за компанию явно не стоит...

I do not understand the logic.)

oil goes down, the dollar is bought for the ruble, thereby raising the exchange rate and leveling out profits in rubles)

oil goes up and they buy the dollar again, thereby raising the exchange rate, and here they probably increase profits in rubles )

Заявление Шувалова обвалило курс рубля
Заявление Шувалова обвалило курс рубля
Чиновник предложил скупать иностранную валюту

pike genocide )))


Создан универсальный фильтрующий материал для очистки воды
Создан универсальный фильтрующий материал для очистки воды
  • 2017.01.19
  • Александр Войтюк
Исследователи из Испании и Германии разработали новый тип универсального фильтрующего материала, который позволяет очищать воду от органических, неорганических, радиоактивных и бактериологических примесей. Результаты испытаний фильтра опубликованы в журнале Angewandte Chemie, кратко о работе рассказывается на портале В настоящее время...
1. Take a piece of lead.
2. Melt it.
3. Carefully pour it into the mould.
4. Wait for the lead to harden.
5. Remove the lead ball from the mould.
6. Grind away the irregularities.
7. Check the correctness of the ball by rolling it on an inclined plane.
8. Repeat these procedures 10,000 times if you have a large army.
Such was the labour-intensive process of making musket shot until the end of the 18th century, when one day a Bristolian William Watts decided to conduct an interesting experiment. He was curious as to whether a drop of molten lead would take on a spherical shape when dropped, like a drop of ordinary water. William climbed up into the bell tower of a local church and "sifted" the liquid lead through a sieve. The result were lead balls of a perfect spherical shape. Encouraged by his success, Watts continued his experiments by adding a three-storey tower to his house. In 1782 he patented the final version of his invention - a drop tower.
The process was carried out as follows: lead was melted in a barrel at the top of the tower, poured out into a copper sieve, the drops of lead fell into a water tank at the base of the tower and the shot was then rolled over an inclined board. The rejects were sent for remelting and balls without defects were polished. The size of the grit was determined by the hole size in the screen.
Shotting towers began to be built all over the world, earning Watts fame and fortune.

Haven't checked it myself.

How to speed up Firefox by a factor of 7

Version 48 of Firefox features Electrolysis mode, which lets you treat each tab as a separate process. This significantly improves web security and results in up to 700% faster page rendering. By default this mode is off. How do I enable it?

1. Update Firefox if you don't have it set to automatic updates for some reason.

2. Make sure you have Firefox version 48 or later (Menu → Help → About Mozilla Firefox).

3. Type about:config in the address bar.

4. In the search box, copy browser.tabs.remote.autostart and change the value from false to true (double click).

5. In the search bar, copy extensions.e10sBlockedByAddons and change the value from true to false (double click).

6. In the search bar, copy extensions.e10sBlocksEnabling and change the value from true to false (double click).

7. Restart Firefox.

Mozilla Firefox developers assure that activation of Electrolysis will speed up rendering of web pages by using multi-core processors more efficiently. If before each tab was processed in one process in different threads - only 1 core was used - now load will be distributed more evenly and tabs will start to be processed in parallel.

Users have confirmed that the acceleration of Firefox after this manipulation is visible to the naked eye, even without any synthetic benchmarks. Apart from the acceleration, users note that pages are drawn and scrolling more smoothly.

Многопроцессный Firefox 44.b, оптимизация Electrolysis
Многопроцессный Firefox 44.b, оптимизация Electrolysis
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Firefox 48: многопроцессность (и как её включить)
Firefox 48: многопроцессность (и как её включить)
Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут оставлять комментарии. Войдите, пожалуйста. Пометьте топик понятными вам метками, если хотите или закрыть
Server Muradasilov:

Haven't checked it myself.

How to speed up Firefox by a factor of 7

Tried it last year, it's glitchy. Especially on Vkontakte. Plus not all add-ons are supported yet, it hangs while surfing. Anyway, I decided to wait for the version with officially enabled technology (due out January 24)

A made-up Rivaldo played football with the fans and was adjudged the best player of the game.
Загримированный Ривалдо сыграл в футбол с болельщиками
Загримированный Ривалдо сыграл в футбол с болельщиками
  • 2017.01.19
Бывший полузащитник «Барселоны» Ривалдо принял участие в матче с болельщиками, прошедшем на тренировочной базе каталонского клуба. Видео было опубликовано на официальном YouTube-канале сине-гранатовых. 44-летнего бразильца загримировали, поклонники не знали, что играют с Ривалдо. Его команда одержала победу со счетом 2:1, сам спортсмен был...