Interesting and Humour - page 3536

Andrey Dik:
The life of a programmer is difficult and not easy... And what to say about moderators on a programmers forum... )))

Moderators on a programmers' forum do not have a life at all, they walk like on a minefield,

They all are so smart on such forums, sarcasm is abundant, all the cool geeks are cool,

And among smart programmers - a moderator has to survive.


© Komsomolskaya Pravda "Catch the snowball! Photo: Vadim Trunov.

© Komsomolskaya Pravda "Catch the snowball! Photo: Vadim Trunov.


Sergey Pavlovich Korolev,Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov

© Komsomolskaya Pravda. A village picture

Thank you, it worked.

Sergey Golubev:

I've been asked in private too. I replied that I had seen such an indicator with a different name somewhere, coded by two ATRs with arrows on the main price chart. They didn't write me any more in the personal message, they are probably looking for an indicator with the name "2 ATR with arrows" now.

By the way, in the English part of the forum users actively go here in Russian, posts translate, or translate and post in their English from the pocket but with English translation. The most popular questions are "Please translate indicator from Russian into English", "Please translate comment titles and settings into English in this source code", "Where can I get a Russian font for computer", etc.

I think the coders should always make two versions - one for Russian users, and English version for all others.
Well ... or just wait for a year or two, when all English-speaking people will download the Russian font on their computers.

And, by the way, we could, for example, create a branch on where to download Russian font on computer (for example, computer was bought abroad and everything is fine, but we need Russian font in MetaEditor, etc.). I would have promoted this branch in English.

In fact, the task here has become much more difficult:

If before the contingent of newbies didn't want to read anything, and just opened branches and asked, now the newbies don't want to think.

For example, today I'm answering the question: "Why does the web terminal have AUD/NZD symbol, but MT5 program doesn't have it in MQ demo?
I would just answer with one post and text that I should right click on Market Watch, then Symbol, find AUD/NZD ...
Now it does not work .... Now you need pictures and less text.

Visual images somehow go to the right part of the brain, which is responsible for analyzing information and making decisions, and text ones are just useless - they don't go anywhere ... whether it's an article or a joke - nothing ...


For example, how to explain to a beginner - where is the market overview window in MT5?
Do I have to explain it in a way that I don't get additional questions and spend half a day answering them in his thread and in his personal message?

Just say that this window on the left in MT5? That's it, I'm done: half a day will have to explain what is MT5, that different brokers have different sets of symbols, that MK is not a broker ...
The easiest way to explain it is with a picture without text: a screenshot of MT5 with a Market Watch arrow:

And you have to remember where this picture is, because tomorrow they will ask the same question twice, and it's easier to repost it 'out of pocket', so as not to make a picture again...

Just when you realise that newcomers to the forum are really not messing around, but just don't understand, you often don't know what to do at all.
And there are no articles for newcomers. Even if there were, they would only be viewed if it's a collection of comics ...

And if in two years more newcomers come and not only the text is stagnant, but also the images, then how do you explain?
Music, songs, dances ...

Sergey Golubev:

For example, how to explain a beginner - where is the market overview window in MT5?
Explain it so that not to get additional questions and not to spend half a day answering them in his thread and personal?

Just say that this window on the left in MT5? That's it, I'm done: half a day will have to explain what is MT5, that different brokers have different sets of symbols, that MK is not a broker ...
The easiest way to explain it is with a picture without text: a screenshot of MT5 with a Market Watch arrow:

And you have to remember where this picture is, because tomorrow the same question will be asked twice, and not to make a picture again, it's easier to repost it 'out of pocket' ...

Just when you realise that newcomers to the forum are really not messing around, but just don't understand, you often don't know what to do at all.
And there are no articles for newcomers. Even if there were, they would only be viewed if it's a collection of comics ...

And if in two years more newcomers come and not only the text is stagnant, but also the images, then how do you explain?
Music, songs, dances ...

Pictures are not enough already - more and more I am convinced that a new kind of communication is needed -> the forum should move to a new form of online help, something like a video stream. And in about five years, even a video won't help, we need some kind of remote assistant with rights to control the computer of the person asking.

Sergey Golubev:

For example, how to explain to a beginner - where is the market overview window in MT5?
Do I have to explain it in a way that I don't get additional questions and spend half a day answering them in his thread and in his personal message?

Just say that this window on the left in MT5? That's it, I'm done: half a day will have to explain what is MT5, that different brokers have different sets of symbols, that MK is not a broker ...
The easiest way to explain it is with a picture without text: a screenshot of MT5 with a Market Watch arrow:

And you have to remember where this picture is, because tomorrow they will ask the same question twice, and it's easier to repost it 'out of pocket' to avoid making a picture again...

Just when you realise that newcomers to the forum are really not messing around, but just don't understand, you often don't know what to do at all.
And there are no articles for newcomers. Even if there were, they would only be viewed if it's a collection of comics ...

And if in two years more newcomers come and not only the text is stagnant, but also the images, then how do you explain?
Music, songs, dances ...

Simply in this part of the forum (Russian), there are always lots of willing to help, rant, and direct the way right, waiting for the right, bored :)

It's about time

Банкам запретят мелкий шрифт в договорах
Банкам запретят мелкий шрифт в договорах
Сегодня, 13 января, Госдума рассмотрит в первом чтении законопроект, которым вносятся изменения в закон «О защите прав потребителей», а именно запрещающий предоставлять информацию о товарах (работах, услугах) мелким нечитаемым шрифтом. Как говорится в пояснительной записке к документу, особенно это актуально для договоров, связанных с...