Interesting and Humour - page 3523

The Leicester Codex, originally titled Treatise on Water, Earth and Heavenly Matters, is one of Leonardo da Vinci's collections of blanks, observations, inferences and logical conclusions, and is famous as the most expensive book ever sold at auction. Its current owner, Bill Gates, bought the manuscript in 1994 for $30.8 million, easily surpassing $45 million at today's exchange rates.

Bill Gates doesn't keep the book out of sight: he lends it to museums for temporary exhibitions and recently he put a scan of the work which anyone can download for 20 euros.

Hammercodex - Home
The leicester codex, also known as the "Hammer" codex from the name of the american millionaire who owned it before Bill Gates, was compiled between 1506 and 1513, during the period when Leonardo was dividing his time between short stays in Florence and returning to Milan, this time under the protection of the French king, Louis Xii...
Интересные факты о фотоаппаратах Polaroid
Интересные факты о фотоаппаратах Polaroid
17 июня 1970 года Эдвин Лэнд запатентовал свою эпохальную камеру — первую полностью автоматизированную модель Polaroid SX-70. Мы расскажем наиболее интересные факты о камерах Polaroid и их изобретателе Эдвине Лэнде. Родители Эдвина Лэнда до эмиграции в США жили в России Эдвин Лэнд, основатель компании Polaroid, родился в 1909 году в городке...
Yuriy Zaytsev:

It was just a comic book, and comics is humour, take it with humour.

Alexei, do you associate these faces with Russia?

Comics have always been made for children and they have always been kind.

Yuri, you can speak to me on a first-name basis. Feel free to let me be at least a little younger.

These faces definitely belong to Russia, but they're all "politically minded" from the nineties. And they studied economics from a pindo textbook. Everywhere you look you see figures who refer to the experience of other countries. Singapore, China, Belarus... but they don't have a single thought of their own. And they even snatch a phrase out of context, and post it on trash cans. To understand the meaning of Shuvalov's words, you must listen carefully to his entire text. Who better than the Russians to understand what is being said by intonation?

In one of Vladimir Solovyov's programmes, he humourously suggested that Churov should be sent to the USA to recount the votes. And he was immediately rebuked, like "Can you imagine what will happen if they take your words out of context and tomorrow all the newspapers will write that Russia proposes to interfere in the presidential elections in the United States"...

In general, if you want to understand politics, you have to get up to your ears in it, not just scavenge for crap.

Happy Holidays and good luck in everything.

Рекорды глобального потепления. Десять главных прорывов в науках о Земле
Рекорды глобального потепления. Десять главных прорывов в науках о Земле
  • 2017.01.07
  • Александр Березин
Анализ химического состава микрометеоритов древностью в 2,7 миллиарда лет показал, что они проходили через атмосферу, столь же насыщенную кислородом, что и сегодня. Это противоречит всему, чему нас учили в школе. Известно, что в то время на Земле царили анаэробные организмы, а они в кислородной атмосфере жить не смогли бы. Учёные разрешили этот...
Server Muradasilov:
Another team of researchers compared the size of air bubbles in 2.7 billion year old lava with today's lava and came up with a surprising conclusion: the atmosphere of our planet at that time was half as dense as today.

Apparently 200-220 million years ago the atmosphere was already dense, dinosaurs flew in the atmosphere, but about 60-65 million years ago the climate changed.

And now any country with nuclear weapons can change the climate of the planet - in 24 hours.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Thank you, happy holiday to you too!

health again.

Sorry - if I got it wrong, now if you wish health may not always be understood correctly.

Alexei, humor, satire, and especially in the form of comics - they should be as good as possible, but that's if they are for children, but we're not on a children's forum.

After all, satire has one of the main aims - to hurt, to draw attention. You and probably not only you - it hurt, then the comic hit the target, achieve the result.

The rest is to draw the right conclusions and try to avoid a scenario from such a comic strip.

I take comics in a slightly broader sense - they don't always make them for children.

Alexei, what age is the comic meant for? And I hope you don't call the genius Beetstrup a piece of garbage...

The artist - like looking into water: consumer loans, mortgages, financial dependence, fear of losing their jobs, no money, but you hang in there, etc.. - and this comic is from 1947.

It's 2016, 1947 - 2016, from one swastika to another - a hundred years have not yet passed, but how clearly the comic reflects reality, including in our country.

They say there are good things in garbage dumps too. This satirical picture seems to be one of such exceptions. But I was talking about other pictures and statements. I was talking about the attitude towards the history of our Motherland. And no matter how hard it is to get scum like Ulyukayev out of history, nothing can be done about it. Don't say things are bad in the country and they will never get better. If you want to spend time posting messages here, you better go and find out what good has been done in the country and what would be better. I think even a separate thread with this content will not be deleted. Unless, of course, there's someone who spews crap from all the garbage cans into a topic like that.

Anyway, I'm sorry, I don't want to continue this dialogue. I don't want to agitate anyone. Think for yourselves, decide for yourselves...


not a few good things!


This picture has one thousand likes on Facebook, and I (and judging by the comments - not just me) - don't get the gimmick... What's the point?

Sergey Golubev:

This picture has one thousand likes on Facebook, and I (and judging by the comments - not just me) - don't get the gimmick... What's the point?

maybe it's this: like why do you need a head without an apple)


Merry Christmas to all!