Interesting and Humour - page 3498

Yuriy Zaytsev:

:-))) our government morons are talking nonsense.

Then there is an action program for this law , such a law can only work in an unfree country and already outside the market economy.

It is necessary to ensure full employment of the population to begin with, to pass a law on one PARTY the coolest solution is to bring the CPSU back to power,

Then the best solution is to bring back the gulag. In general, all slackers should go to mines in Siberia, build railways in the tundra, or gather bird feathers on the coast of the white sea.

And only then can we weed out the slackers

It would be better to start separating the slackers from the State Duma.

Everyone knows how the faction's "duty officer" runs around in the empty halls holding up voting cards.


And how will they tax housewives? They do not work according to state logic :-)))

At one time there were idiotic taxes such as a tax for each tree on the property - well, people took it and cut down trees.

There was a tax on every chicken or goat in the household - well, people took it and slaughtered pets as much as possible.

Well, housewives begin to work fictitiously but officially on a schedule of 1 day a week for 100-500 rubles per month.

laws are usually written not for the benefit of the people but for the benefit of the government.
but in this case it may not be so bad.
and if there is such a despicable law, you can take a fictitious job for a minimum wage to get away with it.

Just as long as the forex is not touched by the misbehaving bastards

Nikolay Demko:

As always, it is all demagoguery and distraction.

And the point is right on the surface: the West is seriously thinking about what its citizens will do when the robotics revolution happens. And here we have bosses thinking about who else is going to get their three skins ripped off, and not giving a shit how these people will live.

And this approach can be traced in retrospect through history.

By the way, I criticize Ukraine no less than I criticize Russia (it's my role to criticize). You are shouting that we are united, or you are just a stranger. I'm a cosmopolitan and I don't care where I live, I'm at home everywhere. And if I see something wrong, I talk about it. As for allowances you are full of shit, I have not received a penny from any state wherever I have been, I have been paying to everybody, and everywhere I have paper, give me a piece of paper and pay for each piece of paper.

ZZZI And just to set the record straight, you clinging to people rather than discussing the substance, this reincarnation of yours will go into oblivion following Prival, just like that forever. Behave yourself.

Why are you getting so worked up out of the blue?

If you're talking about something, be specific. In Finland they give benefits and where they don't? Specifically, why they don't give them, what taxes, what unemployment is, etc. Otherwise you get demagoguery, not me.

You began to talk about the allowance, you made it clear that you want benefits. And I reasonably said, why would you pay benefits? Why should I? Who are you? What have you done for the country to claim benefits?

And I'm not picking on people, not at all. I'm just asking you to finish what you're saying. If you're not happy in Russia, go back to your country and ask Poroshenko for benefits. Here you have no elementary moral right to demand benefits.

And, by the way, you lost the opportunity to speak to me as "you" a long time ago. You have lost both trust and respect. Are we going to ask in public what, why, and why, or don't we?


What do you think of the prospects for pair trading on major pairs?
Nikolay Demko:

I'm a cosmopolitan and I don't care where I live, I'm at home everywhere.

Pardon me, please. The word "cosmopolitan" is foreign. Translated bum, or am I mistaken?
СанСаныч Фоменко:
Pardon me, please. The word is foreign "cosmopolitan". Translated bum, or am I mistaken?

Cosmopolitanism(fromthe Greek κοσμοπολίτης(kosmopolites) - cosmopolitan, person of peace) isan ideologyof world citizenship that puts the interests of humanity as a whole above those of a single nation or state and views the individual as a free individual within the Earth. According toJ.R. Saul cosmopolitanism (from Greek world, universe and citizen of the world) is a worldview and cultural attitude aimed at comprehending the unity of the world, universalism[1].

СанСаныч Фоменко:
Pardon me, please. The word is foreign, cosmopolitan. It translates as bum, or am I wrong?

))) Exactly! Diogenes, who coined the word 'cosmopolitan' and was in your mind a bum - lived in a barrel.... And didn't have a propiska!

Socrates, by the way, was not registered either. And he didn't have a passport!


Why are you getting so worked up out of the blue?

If you are talking about something, be specific. Do they give benefits in Finland and where don't they give them? Specifically, why they do not give them, what are the taxes, what is the unemployment rate, etc. Otherwise you get demagoguery, not me.

You began to talk about the allowance, you made it clear that you want benefits. And I reasonably said, why would you pay benefits? Why should I? Who are you? What have you done for the country to claim benefits?

And I'm not picking on people, not at all. I'm just asking you to finish what you're saying. If you're not happy in Russia, go back to your country and ask Poroshenko for benefits. Here you have no elementary moral right to demand benefits.

And, by the way, you lost the opportunity to speak to me as "you" a long time ago. You have lost both trust and respect. Shall we be clear in front of everyone, what, why, and why, or don't we?

Well, first of all, I didn't get turned on. It's you who are getting into personalities and trying to discuss the personal qualities of the person who put a fact or point of view on display, and it's not the first time.

Secondly you're being facetious again, I was talking about unconditional income, not benefits. This is now being tested on the unemployed as part of benefits. But unconditional income is not essentially a benefit. Because the benefit is given to the poor, which is a condition.

I was focusing on the direction of change that's going on around here. I gave an example of where they are going and where we are going.


Laws are usually written not for the benefit of the people but for the benefit of the authorities.
but in this case it may not be so bad.
If there is such a despicable law , you can take a fictitious job for a maternity wage to get away with it.

just to keep forex out of the hands of the dickheads.

if you legalize prostitution - and charge a tax - it would do a lot more good


Fictitious work already happened in the USSR.

we pretended to get paid we pretended to work

Nikolay Demko:

Well, first of all, I wasn't getting worked up. You're the one who is getting personal and trying to discuss the personalities of the person who put a fact or point of view on display, and it's not the first time either.

Secondly you're being facetious again, I was talking about income, not benefits. It's now being tested on the unemployed as part of benefits. But unconditional income isn't really a benefit. Because the benefit is given to the poor, and that's a condition.

I was focusing on the direction of change that's going on around here. I gave an example of where they're going and where we're going.

Here's your post:

Nikolay Demko:

1. So far I can state that we are moving away from humanism, although a tax on the unemployed can probably be considered social justice.

2) The whole country is plowing tirelessly, and these, you know, do not work (these creatures), well, we are not as tough as Stalinists, we will not shoot, but will impose a tax, and if he does not pay, then we will shoot.

3. But the socially unjust Finns (under the pernicious influence of the West) have decided to check whether it will not lead to asocial behavior, if people will get money for nothing, because they are human beings and have needs.

1. 1. Who is "we"?

2. what is this all about?

3. The Finns do this, what taxes do the Finns have? What unemployment is it? Compared to what country?

So you are engaging in demagoguery, talking about nothing and at the same time shouting about how "we" have it. At the same time without specifying where "we" have it.

I always speak specifically and only on behalf of myself and according to the right to speak so, citing facts. I advise you to do the same before accusing anyone of demagogy.


Here is your post:

1. Who is "we"?

2. what is this about anyway?

3. The Finns do that, and what taxes do the Finns have? What unemployment is it? Compared to what country?

So you are engaging in demagoguery, talking about nothing and at the same time shouting about how "we" have it. At the same time without specifying where "we" have it.

I always speak specifically and only on behalf of myself and according to the right to speak so, citing facts. I advise you to do the same before accusing anyone of demagogy.

We have this in the USSR and suddenly everything falls into place.

And I translate 1,2,3 as sheer banter, for the straight-thinking (who does not understand hints and banter, as well as the embittered and salivating): I am against the imposition of a tax on the unemployed, as I am against taking away and sharing as social justice.

I'm not interested in examining the unemployment rate in light of a discussion about REAL INCOME, because it has nothing to do with anything.

ZZZY And you don't need to tell me what to do and I won't tell you where to go.