Interesting and Humour - page 3497

Alexandr Saprykin:

Early morning lipstick on the bathroom mirror and the phrase - thank you honey

СанСаныч Фоменко:

So far I can state that you haven't heard me at all.

Let's call it a night.

So how can we understand you if you don't say anything?

Explain the greatness of social justice, and what is it in your understanding? And why can't it exist under capitalism?

Финляндия тестирует на гражданах получение базового дохода в размере 560 евро
Финляндия тестирует на гражданах получение базового дохода в размере 560 евро
  • 2016.12.21
Предполагается, что всего в эксперименте будут участвовать 175 тысяч человек в возрасте 25-58 лет, получившие пособие по безработице в ноябре 2016 года. Накануне в Kela по жребию выбрали 2000 человек, которые в течение двух лет будут получать 560 евро в месяц – по меркам Финляндии со средней зарплатой свыше 3000 евро это скромная сумма. Базовый...
Налог на безработных в России 2016 — последние новости
Налог на безработных в России 2016 — последние новости
25.10.2016, 11:03, Новости России Сбор с неработающих граждан, который еще называют «налогом на тунеядцев», должен быть зафиксирован в размере 20 000 руб., заявил министр труда и социальной защиты России Максим Топилин. «Давайте исходить из того, что человек легально работает, когда он заплатил подоходный налог. За год, если считать его с...
СанСаныч Фоменко:


So far I can state that you haven't heard me at all.

Let's leave it at that.

So far I can state that we are moving away from humanism, although the tax on the unemployed can probably be considered social justice.

We are not as tough as Stalinists, we will not shoot, but we will tax them, and if they do not pay, then we will shoot.

But the socially unjust Finns (under the perverse influence of the West), have decided to check whether it will lead to asocial behaviour if people receive money for nothing, for the fact that they are human and have needs.

Nikolay Demko:

So far I can state that we are moving away from humanism, although a tax on the unemployed can probably be considered social justice.

The whole country works tirelessly, but these guys don't work (they are such bitches), we are not as tough as Stalinists, we will not shoot, but we will tax them, and if they do not pay, then we will shoot them.

And the socially unjust Finns (under the perverse influence of the West), decided to check whether will not lead to asocial behavior, if people will get money for nothing, for the fact that they are human and they have needs.

Don't forget to mention the unemployment rate in Finland and Russia for comparison, as well as to compare taxes for individuals and legal entities. And one more thing, do not forget to mention where you live and where you came from. Do not forget to mention that you have not managed to do anything for the country you arrived in, but you do not mind receiving benefits at the expense of native taxpayers.

And everything will immediately fall into place.


Don't forget to mention the unemployment rate in Finland and in Russia, as well as to compare taxes for private persons and legal entities. And also do not forget to mention where you live and where you come from, as well as do not forget to mention that for the country where you arrived has not yet had time to do anything, but you do not mind to receive benefits on the money of indigenous taxpayers.

And everything will immediately fall into place.

What are your predictions for GBPUSD today?

:-))) our state DURA is talking nonsense.

Then there is an action program for this law, such a law can only work in an unfree country and already outside the market economy.

It is necessary to ensure full employment of the population to begin with, to pass a law on one PARTY the coolest solution is to bring the CPSU back to power,

Then the best solution is to bring back the gulag. In general, all slackers should go to mines in Siberia, build railways in the tundra, or gather bird feathers on the coast of the white sea.

And only then can we weed out the slackers

It would be better to start separating the slackers from the State Duma.

Everyone knows how the faction's "duty officer" runs around in the empty halls holding up voting cards.


And how will they tax housewives? They do not work according to state logic :-)))

At one time there were idiotic taxes such as a tax for each tree on the property - well, people took it and cut down trees.

There was a tax on every chicken or goat in the household - well, people took it and slaughtered pets as much as possible.

Housewives would start to work officially and fictitiously on a schedule of 1 day a week for 100-500 rubles per month.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Belarus enacted a year ago and has a law on parasitism - the tax is paid by anyone who has worked officially for less than 163 days in 2016.


Belarus enacted a year ago and has a law on parasitism - the tax is paid by those who officially worked less than 163 days in 2016.

so they have 1.1% unemployment according to official data

They have provided almost all items in the program described by me, but they do not have Siberian taiga.

but slackers can be sent to the swamps to pick berries (there are only 53 thousand people in Belarus).

I wonder how they deal with housewives, I doubt they account for 1.1% of the population.

What is the official figure? here it is claimed that it is 13% - however, not insignificant.

>>> - the tax is paid by whoever officially worked less than 163 days in 2016.

There is also a film called INTERDEVOCHKA that gives a great and clear example of how to circumvent the tax

It would be better to legalise prostitution and take taxes - the revenue to the treasury would be higher!

Уровень безработицы в Беларуси на 1 июля составил 1,1%
Уровень безработицы в Беларуси на 1 июля составил 1,1%
"На 1 июля уровень безработицы составил 1,1%. В последние два месяца видим тенденцию сокращения количества регистрируемых безработных. На 1 июля было 47,2 тыс. человек, на 1 мая - больше 53 тыс.", - отметил Андрей Лобович.

Don't forget to mention the unemployment rate in Finland and in Russia, as well as to compare taxes for private persons and legal entities. And do not forget to mention where you live and where you come from, as well as do not forget to mention that for the country where you arrived has not yet had time to do anything, but you do not mind to receive benefits on the money of indigenous taxpayers.

And immediately everything falls into place.

As always, demagogy and distraction from the essence.

And the essence is on the surface: the West is seriously thinking about what its citizens will do when the robotics revolution takes place. And here we have bosses thinking about who else is going to get three skins off of, and not giving a shit how these people will live.

And this approach can be traced in retrospect through history.

By the way, I criticize Ukraine no less than I criticize Russia (it's my role to criticize). You are shouting that we are united, or you are just a bunch of strangers. I'm a cosmopolitan and I don't care where I live, I'm at home everywhere. And if I see something wrong, I talk about it. As for allowances you are full of shit, I have not received a penny from any state wherever I have been, I have been paying to everybody, and everywhere I have paper, give me a piece of paper and pay for each piece of paper.

ZZZI And just to set the record straight, you clinging to people rather than discussing the substance, this reincarnation of yours will go into oblivion after Prival, just like forever. Behave yourself.