Interesting and Humour - page 3463

Astra is a completely different font.
Oh, yeah?! What is it?
Yesterday I was researching a topic and came across the subject of cutting out the glands of children in the USSR. It turns out that there was an experiment where they cut out the tonsils of healthy children and then observed the effect. That's it - medical experiments on our children. So hello to all those who wish to return to the USSR.
Server Muradasilov:

Sberbank will be privatised next .....

What happens next whenthe Sovereign Wealth Fund runs out?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
What will happen after the end ofthe Sovereign Wealth Fund?

First they privatize everything they can, then they nationalize what they have privatized and so on in a circle :)

Honestly, I am at a loss myself ..............


Please, just leave Norway out of this!

You have been taught VERY poorly in your time - the main and distinguishing characteristic of both socialism and communism has always been, is and will always be the absence of private ownership of the means of production.

So it was, so it is and so it will be. Study Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Bukharin, Rykov, etc.

There is only one socialist state left on the entire globe that has not yet died: North Korea.

China has built a Confucian version of capitalism. The only word left of communism in China is the name of the only ruling party.

Bullshit, it's all dogmatism of the highest order. Socialism is the prevalence of social interests over personal ones.

And by the way by the economic structure socialism is a special case of capitalism. Socialism and capitalism have the same basis for development: scientific and technological progress.

And there is no need to bring in communism, which is utopia.

There are examples now and in the past when under socialism there was private property. The prohibition of private property is not a defining feature of socialism.

Nikolay Demko:

Bullshit, it's all dogmatism of the highest order. Socialism is the prevalence of social interests over personal ones.

And by the way, socialism is a particular case of capitalism in terms of economic structure. Socialism and capitalism have the same basis for development: scientific and technological progress.

And there is no need to bring in communism, which is utopia.

There are examples now and in the past when under socialism there was private property. The prohibition of private property is not a defining characteristic of socialism.

) There has never been and never can be, under socialism and communism, PERSONAL PROPERTY FOR PRODUCTION EQUIPMENT.

This alone distinguishes socialism and communism from capitalism.

This and nothing else.

Some mythical "prevalence" is all for snotty articles.

George Merts:

A centrally planned economy is a much more efficient use of available resources than a market economy. But the main problem with a planned economy is the continuation of its pros. To build an effective plan - you need to know exactly what society needs. When I want a piece of bread, my neighbour wants a piece of bread, everyone around me wants a piece of bread - a planned economy can provide this much better, and at a lower cost, than a market economy.

But when I'm given five kinds of bread and twenty kinds of sausage, and today - give me five-layer toilet paper with the smell of almonds, and tomorrow - with the smell of strawberries (bo, how my ass can not stand the others), my neighbour wants twenty varieties of bread, and five sausages, and ten-layer toilet paper with the smell of dreams - no fucking planned economy will provide it. But market economics, especially with marketing chips, can.

In order to produce 25 varieties of sausage you need equipment, that is, industry group A (production of capital goods), the planned economy copes with it much better than the market.

Well, let the private sector take care of the sausage production itself. And let the equipment be purchased with long-term loans in rubles.

And there is no contradiction.

The private entrepreneur takes the risks of rapidly changing demand, and the planned economy sets the trends of development through the production of goods of group A.

Nikolay Demko:

In order to produce 25 varieties of sausage, you need equipment, i.e. a group A industry (production of means of production), which the planned economy does much better than the market.

But let the private sector do the actual sausage production. And let the equipment be purchased with long-term loans in rubles.

And there is no contradiction.

The private entrepreneur takes the risks of rapidly changing demand, and the planned economy sets the trends through the production of goods of group A.

We all went through this in the GDR - there was nothing to eat either, although there were private farmers, greenhouses and small craftsmen.

It also does not work - every year the USSR gave energy resources and subsidies within the CMEA framework.


) Under socialism and communism there never has been and never can be PERSONAL OWNERSHIP OF PRODUCTIVE PROPERTY.

This alone distinguishes socialism and communism from capitalism.

This and nothing else.

Some mythical "prevalence" is all for snotty articles.

You're an 80 lvl dogmatist. You judge by the writings of dogmatists, I judge by the speeches of a common man.

Our man's phrase: Have you been to Sweden? That's where they have socialism.

It gives me much more idea of what socialism is, than works of Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko.

Nikolay Demko:

You are an 80 lvl dogmatist. You judge by the writings of dogmatists, I judge by the speeches of a common man.

Our man's phrase: Have you been to Sweden? That's where they have socialism.

It gives me much more sense of what is socialism, than the works of Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko.

In Sweden - capitalism.

And what is socialism the common man did not understand.

The common man of the Soviet Union simply did not know anything but socialism