Interesting and Humour - page 3345

Sergey Golubev:
I often look contemplatively somewhere and put my hands on my knees beside my stomach...
So I'm proud, too?

At first I thought it was some kind of oriental leader like Kim Yer-Sung.) Looks like a pose.

Sergey Golubev:

A stop list of parasitic words and expressions has been proposed by Match TV (they propose to fine football match commentators for uttering these expressions on air):

Any word, is a stereotype. No matter how you slice it, the overall structure is still built from stereotypes....
So it applies to remain in their former positions, the verdict has been pronounced and is not subject to appeal))
Sergey Golubev:
And I'm elderly (68) and have old age in store, if I'm lucky. Longevity is out of the question.
There are several classifications, including those within the WHO.

For example, this classification(pdf file) is more general and says that

  • 35-44 are 40-year-olds
  • 65-74 are 70-year-olds.
What is a person between 44 and 65 years old is not mentioned in this classification (probably it is 50 years old but it is not written there).

But there are many of these different classifications, and they are made for some projects (not just to give a classification).
A Moscow printing house made a mistake when printing pre-New Year's leaflets commissioned by the Capital of Charity foundation, and instead of the phrase "do good" they wrote "poison beavers".

The printers refused to acknowledge the defect on the grounds that the defect occupied less than five per cent of the printed space, the animal rights activist said.

"The printers say that no one will notice it and that they should distribute the leaflets as they are now. The defect size is less than five per cent of the sheet, so it has a place as per the USSR GOST of 1963," the animal advocate said.


Москвичей к Новому году призвали «травить бобров» (ФОТО)
Москвичей к Новому году призвали «травить бобров» (ФОТО)
  • 2016.09.29
Московская типография ошиблась при печати предновогодних листовок по заказу фонда «Столица милосердия», и вместо фразы «твори добро» написала «трави бобров». Фонд заказал миллион листовок, предлагающих помочь нуждающимся детям, отправив на короткий номер пожертвование. По словам Макарова, организация заплатила за тираж 375 тысяч рублей. В...
A Moscow printing house made a mistake when printing New Year's Eve leaflets for the "Capital of Charity" fund, and instead of the phrase "do good" they wrote "poison beavers".

The printers refused to acknowledge the defect on the grounds that the defect occupied less than five per cent of the printed space, the animal rights activist said.

"The printers say that no one will notice it and that they should distribute the leaflets as they are now. The defect size is less than five per cent of the sheet, so it has a place as per the USSR GOST of 1963," the animal advocate said.


Funny. They must have heard enough from Shuru. In the clip he has a whole animal collar around his neck.


The share of the state and state-owned companies has doubled in ten years: from 35% to 70%

The state is rapidly increasing its presence in the economy, according to a report by the Federal Antimonopoly Service prepared for the government. Igor Artemyev, head of FAS, told Vedomosti about the report.

According to the FAS, the contribution of the state and state-owned companies to GDP increased to 70% in 2015. Ten years ago, in 2005, it was only 35%.

Государство и госкомпании контролируют 70% российской экономики
Государство и госкомпании контролируют 70% российской экономики
  • 2016.09.29
  • Ведомости
ФАС признала государство главным врагом конкуренции
Igor Konyashin:

The share of the state and state-owned companies has doubled in ten years: from 35% to 70%

The state is rapidly increasing its presence in the economy, according to a report by the Federal Antimonopoly Service prepared for the government. Igor Artemyev, head of FAS, told Vedomosti about the report.

According to the FAS, the contribution of the state and state-owned companies to GDP increased to 70% in 2015. Ten years ago, in 2005, it was only 35%.

So if the lion's share of Russia's GDP is raw materials, military-industrial complex, energy (nuclear 100% state). And the lion's share of small and medium business is in the shadows. And name me some state-owned shops, retail chains (except for Rosneft gas stations), services, workshops, construction and repair firms?