Interesting and Humour - page 3333


If bid/ask rendering is switched off in the tumbler, it will produce a "Bumpy" chart type:

Graphic type "Bumpy"

Sergey Golubev:

However, it was not a toilet bowl, but a urinal, and the work was called The Fountain, created by Marcel Duchamp. Hartley Marsden's painting was chosen as the background and, according to critics, 'The Fountain' is considered a milestone of the 20th century art scene and is recognised by British specialists as the greatest work of its era.
It is so called - Duchamp's Fountain.

This work of art has a difficult fate: shortly after its creation and its public showing, the Fountain disappeared. They say it was either stolen or simply thrown away. There were 8 copies of this masterpiece, but some were smashed, some were unsuccessful, but one of the copies was sold for almost 2 million dollars in 1999.

You can read more about this greatest work of art - an ordinary factory urinal, and why this urinal is one of the top 5 works of art of the 20th century that had the greatest influence on the further development of world art - in this article.

Should I send my urinal to an exhibition that will also be a work of art? Communicate with the "high"))).
Sergey Golubev:
A lot of people might think I'm posting some music here, sometimes Chinese music... cats ... I just want to tell (it's allowed in this thread, right?)

I have two friends from my youth. Kaliningrad was a closed, well, semi-military town back then (a long time ago):

  • Me, my grandfather was then the head of the financial department of the technical department of the rear of the Baltic Fleet,
  • Andrei, who always told me: "You have no right to tell jokes about Jews. Because you're Russian and I'm a Jew. I will tell those jokes!". And they were told in such a way ... Comedy Club is still smoking. He also comes from a military family.
  • Oleg. Have you ever seen a man who, if he reads something, it is in Ukrainian? No, not now, but in Soviet times, in Russian cities for example, in buses, in trams ... Here, everything he read (in our then closed city of Kaliningrad) was always in Ukrainian. He came from a family of famous scholars.

We used to have a jam session about once a month (wikipedia reference as a definition of the term). I on guitar, Andriy on piano. We used to meet at his (Andrew's) house. Oleg organized it. We played Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, Jean-Luc Ponti etc.

You're an aesthete, though! But then why did you switch to toilets? I can't understand you, growing up in the Industrial District of a Russian hinterland. When everything they held sacred at school started to be trampled underfoot in the 1990s by new ideologists with even more horrible power. Where should I go? You have to believe in something all the same. Otherwise there is no point in living. The only conclusion was: VIVAT ANARCHY! The loud mouthpiece was Yegor Letov, who was sung with his guitar in courtyards and stairwells. This revisionist, covered with swear words all branded rockers, ex-Komsomol members, had 10 grades of education, but even his enemies recognized him as a connoisseur of the world underground. After the collapse of the USSR, having realised what he had been involved in, Yegor founded the Russian Breakthrough movement. It was an attempt to unite the electorate of Anpilov and Barkashov. I was present at several rallies. It was interesting to see grannies with medals and punks with Mohawks in the same company. And then there were these well-groomed Japanese TV reporters. Why are the Japanese always with cameras? They say they're supposed to take pictures and turn them in to the local state department. And now they're ahead of the rest of the world with spy pokémon. And those were bad times. A fellow National Bolshevik got a real sentence. That's the story.

And now the song.

Imagine you are a foreigner and you need to sing a good and very famous song in our country. And someone pity you that you do not know the Russian language, and recorded this song to you just by ear. All you have to do is take the lyrics and start singing.

  • Atulipki khumuri denswatli,
  • Atulipki neborado ha wakes up
  • Share the ulipka esvayya
  • Eana tibenirasi shover niota

And all together the chorus:

  • So, so, druzza druzza bzyashu tablaka
  • Iluz nyachik zopelika yetnaskripki
  • ....
And vice versa. When I was a teenager, when I was drinking port, I used to sing, or rather shout: "The natbimuv is out! )
And vice versa. When I was a teenager, when I was drinking port, I used to sing, or rather shout: "The natbimuv is out! )
I get it, but what is natbimuv? Bimuv is somehow understandable, but out of context it's also a mystery.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
Out - I get it, but what is natbimuv? Bimuv is understandable, but out of context it's also a mystery.
We shall not be moved?
Alexey Burnakov:
We shall not be moved?

Got it

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Got it

Absolutely right. Thank you for the video.

How many wonders lie behind the mists - Photographs by Vyacheslav Mishchenko (fullest selection here).