Interesting and Humour - page 3319

Yuri Evseenkov:
  • Sheldon: You know how I know we're not in the Matrix?
  • Leonard: How?
  • Sheldon: The food would taste better in the Matrix. (The Big Bang Theory)


It could be just the opposite: food for higher beings is just radiant energy from fusion reactors or stars, and has no taste at all. And for us, they have programmatically made oranges, dumplings and FrutoNyanya mashed potatoes.


If you take the mathematical concept of a matrix, it is a table, a two-dimensional array. And how do these "Matrix" theorists go about describing the world in numbers using only two-dimensional arrays?

Even the MKL for programming robots for financial markets allows for three- and four-dimensional arrays.

Yuri Evseenkov:

If you take the mathematical concept of a matrix, it is a table, a two-dimensional array. And how do these "Matrix" theorists go about describing the world in numbers using only two-dimensional arrays?

Even MKL for programming robots for financial markets allows for three and four dimensional arrays.

In reasoning, start from the fact that our perceptions of the world are limited to the boundaries of that world. If we live in the Matrix, we unknowingly accept things as they are, reasoning at our level we are unable to understand how the Matrix is set up, how it functions or who created it, much less know what mathematical language the Matrix is written in and what "arrays" are used in the code. ;)

We, living in our Matrix (if we are living in the Matrix), may be consoled or encouraged by the thought that, perhaps, creators of our Matrix live in their Matrix, and we, too, may create our own Matrixes, watch through the monitor at units, how they live, f*ck and create Matrixes....

A bot, created and run by Vasya Pupkin, will never know about Vasya, unless, of course, Vasya will make a mistake and leave some evidence in his code or his autograph (DNA, for example, as in humans, or something else). And Vasya is a bot created for the purpose, a gimmick. Civilization is going on, and the Highest "What will happen if we send a plague on them, or send Hitler to them? How will the bot society behave, how will they get out of difficult situations? We have to see how the creators themselves can act in such situations"... Etc.

And one last thing. Scientists have created a simulated universe, our universe with a resolution which allows to simulate star formation, planetary systems and view ecological processes on the planets by increasing the resolution on the spot. This simulated universe includes millions of star systems and their clusters of galaxies (and there are trillions of galaxies with billions of stars in our universe). What's not the Matrix? Development of AI, then launching bots with AI on lanet systems, simulating societies, wars, galactic collisions, creating its own Prsto Maria and MQL community, where users discuss a ridiculous theory about the Matrix...


What if Vasya Pupkin manages to crack the code of the matrix and travel to the future? And then return to the past and shoot himself at a young age? How will he learn programming, create a time machine and travel to future, and then to the past?

The Matrix, augmented reality is getting closer with the advent of Pokemon.

Yuri Evseenkov:

What if Vasya Pupkin manages to crack the code of the matrix and travel to the future? And then return to the past and shoot himself at a young age? How will he learn programming, create a time machine and travel to future, and then to the past?

The Matrix, augmented reality is getting closer with the advent of Pokémon.

No matter how much Vasya breaks the code of the Matrix, he stays in it forever. Yes, perhaps he will gain psychic abilities, understand how to levitate and teleport, and even travel through time. But it's all within the framework of the matrix he lives in. Then he'll "get a good deal" and he'll be erased and everyone around him will think "where did Vasya disappear to?!". We can see such "matrix hacks" everywhere, you know examples from life. :)

And Pokémon... Well, yes, the Matrix, created by man. The level of detail can vary. There's a game called Terraria where the world is made out of cubes. If a being with intelligence lived there he could think "maybe you could create a world out of huge cubes..." without realizing that he is living in a game that is run in a world with much higher resolution (our world) and we in turn cannot imagine that our Matrix is run in a world with much higher resolution than ours, we are just Terraria for the creator, our world is made of crude cubes... Etc.

perhaps some reading these lines feel dizzy and faint... it's the Matrix turning them off so they don't understand too much about what they're not supposed to know....
Andrey Dik:

And Pokémon... Well, yes, the Matrix, created by man. The level of detail can be different. There's a game called Terraria where the world is made out of cubes. If a being with intelligence lived there he could think "maybe you could create a world out of huge cubes..." without realizing that he is living in a game that is run in a world with much higher resolution (our world) and we in turn cannot imagine that our Matrix is run in a world with much higher resolution than ours, we are just Terraria for the creator, our world is made of crude cubes... Etc.

The world, some think, consists of cubes, atoms , nuclei , inside which is full of even finer stuff. Or of strings, as others think. It is a human habit of dividing and categorizing everything: this is big, this is small, this is a fruit, this is a vegetable, this is far from it. Hence the paradoxes. Somewhere must be the edge of the universe, but what is beyond the edge? We are created by matrix masters, who in turn are the matrix of other masters... without breaking...


Yuri Evseenkov:

The world, as some think, is made up of cubes, atoms, nuclei, which are full of even smaller stuff inside. Or of strings, as others think. It is the human habit of dividing and categorizing everything: this is big, this is small, this is fruit, this is vegetable, this is near and this is far. Hence the paradoxes. Somewhere must be the edge of the universe, but what is beyond the edge? We are created by matrix masters who in turn are the matrix of other masters... without breaking...

Yeah. Something like that.

The matrix also explains well the existence of "God", the creator. Here we have recently argued how dinosaurs lived before humans... But as the Creator wanted, he created them, and it is not a dog 's business to know how the world is arranged in the matrix -....

How is it that in coal, which is millions of years old, archeologists find things that are even older than the coal itself? A glitch in the Matrix? Did Vasya Pupkin go back in time and forget his cigarette case there and turn in his gold watch...? These are the kind of high-tech objects found in coal and limestone (which formed during the Cretaceous period, about 145 million years old)...

Yuri Evseenkov:

The world, as some think, is made up of cubes, atoms, nuclei, which are full of even smaller stuff inside. Or of strings, as others think. It is the human habit of dividing and categorizing everything: this is big, this is small, this is fruit, this is vegetable, this is near and this is far. Hence the paradoxes. Somewhere must be the edge of the universe, but what is beyond the edge? We are created by matrix masters, who in turn are the matrix of other masters... without breaking...

just like in Hindu philosophy, infinite worlds, Vishnu's game.....