Interesting and Humour - page 3318

Ассоциация учителей русского языка предлагает создать в РФ «лингвистическую полицию»
Ассоциация учителей русского языка предлагает создать в РФ «лингвистическую полицию»
Ассоциация учителей литературы и русского языка предлагает ввести «лингвистическую полицию», которая будет защищать русский язык от обилия иностранных заимствований. Об этом Агентству городских новостей «Москва» сообщил председатель исполкома ассоциации, член совета по русскому языку при президенте Роман Дощинский. «Проект «лингвистической...

Hello all. I didn't order this! Then where did it come from? Kick-Ass....


Hello all. I didn't order this! Then where did it come from? Kick-Ass....

I recently switched my car DVR to Japanese... I struggled... Then I phoned a friend who had one and he used the line number to tell me what to press...

Walker Sterling Bartlett, our contemporary.

What do distinguished forum users have to say? What are your views on this? Aren't we living in a matrix?

After all, modern technology is getting closer and closer to what was shown in the film The Matrix.

Bank of America Merrill Lynch оценил вероятность жизни человечества в матрице
Bank of America Merrill Lynch оценил вероятность жизни человечества в матрице
  • 2016.09.08
  • Кадр: фильм «Матрица»
Bank of America Merrill Lynch в своей записке для клиентов оценил вероятность того, что человечество на самом деле существует в матрице, то есть является объектом компьютерного моделирования. Об этом пишет The Business Insider. Шансы того, что «мир, который мы воспринимаем как "реальный", на самом деле просто имитация», оценены в 20-50...
Alexandr Saprykin:

What do distinguished forum users have to say? What are your views on this? Aren't we living in a matrix?

After all the modern technologies are closer and closer to what was shown in the film "Matrix".

I estimate the probability at 50%.
I can give a number of evidences and arguments for probability that we are in matrix and in its worst meaning - we have no living bodies in the real world, we are all digital models.
Andrey Dik:
I estimate the probability at 50%.
I can give a lot of evidence and arguments for the probability that we are in the matrix, in the worst sense of the word - we have no living bodies in the real world, we are all digital models.
If you can do it, do it. Very interesting.
Alexandr Saprykin:
If you can do it, do it. Very interesting.

Everything I say below should not be seen as something proven, it is just speculation and an attempt to explain (but not prove, proving the existence of the "outside world" is impossible being part of the "inside world") the nature (essence) of the world around us.

To begin with, all philosophers and thinkers, as well as common people, who have ever thought about the Universe, have come to the conclusion that the outer world is ephemeral, unreal. Most sci-fi authors play with variations on the theme of "The Matrix".

And let's move on to the facts. All facts about the world around us can be divided into 3 categories: 1. unexplainable by science. 2. Explainable by science and fit into the general statistics of relevant phenomena. 3. Explainable by science but standing out from the general statistics of relevant phenomena. All these categories are explained by at least one theory. But only one theory can explain all the three categories - the "Matrix" theory (let's call it so, it explains all the phenomena happening in the world from the point of view of fulfilling some global program).

1. Spirits, ghosts, communication of mediums and psychics with spirits. In general, everything that is associated with the "other world", extrasensory, levitation, telekinesis, reading thoughts and transfer of thoughts at a distance of 0-th time, lucid dreams, deja vu. The list goes on and on, and anyone can go on. All this is explained by the Matrix theory, these are manifestations of interaction of our World with the Matrix program itself being its code.

2. There is not much to explain here at all. All that is scientifically proven, all that we see - all this can be a performance of a properly working code "Matrix".

3. The solar system, it's unique. Dozens, hundreds of new stellar systems with planets are being discovered every day, the list already exceeds several hundred thousand, and is growing faster every day. But so far not a single one has been found that even closely resembles our solar system, with each planet playing a specific role. For example, the gas giants outside the 'green zone', whereas the vast majority of other planetary systems have them inside, closer to the luminary. In our system they play the role of a "hoover", actively absorbing flying debris from outside the system, thereby protecting the planets that are meant to live from threats: Venus, Earth, Mars, Phaeton (a planet that is destroyed today and is an asteroid belt). All this points to a global plan, anyone who asks can find facts about our solar system on the internet, which can be explained scientifically but which do not fit in the general statistics of observing of the Universe by astronomers. The list of such phenomena also includes ball lightning, hepatogenic zones. At present, it is noticed that all the surviving written evidence of the Sumerians of the past began to disappear. One can find periods in the history of mankind, when in the same way started "cleaning", massive destruction of written evidence of the past, household items, scientific high-tech devices which are several million years old. And so on. All this can be explained just as simply and casually by the "Matrix" theory.

Why do I say there's a 50% chance? - Because it is impossible to prove or disprove the Matrix Theory. We, humanity, and other sentient beings, will live and evolve according to the laws of the "Matrix" without ever realising it. This is neither bad nor good, we just need to understand and accept it.

A legitimate question arises, "Why was the Matrix created and functions?" There could be several answers. For example for research. One is simply to carry out a simulation, an investigation. It seems to us that the Universe has existed for 13 MILLION years, but in fact, our Universe may exist only for a few seconds, modelled on the Universe Super Computer. If necessary, the program restarts and starts over, but with different initial conditions (universal constants). In the film "Eureka" there is one series playing around with "The Matrix", a group of scientists (their consciousness) are placed in the program, they live together with the bots, in order to get new scientific discoveries as a result of the program with scientists. Who knows, maybe it is true, and one of us is one of these uploaded scientists in the Matrix, but more likely we are all just bots.

And, notice, I have given examples of the well-known facts, have not told anything from something "inconceivable", in fact there are facts which governments hide, that not to sow a panic.

Alexandr Saprykin:

What do distinguished forum users have to say? What are your views on this? Aren't we living in a matrix?

After all, modern technology is getting closer and closer to what was shown in the movie The Matrix.

  • Sheldon: You know how I know we're not in the Matrix?
  • Leonard: How?
  • Sheldon: The food would have tasted better in The Matrix. (The Big Bang Theory)