Interesting and Humour - page 3265


The dog shakes it off


Photo of an aircraft taking off from an aerodrome with a slow shutter speed

but what about airport gps coordinates, date of takeoff/shooting, flight number, where/why the flight is going, names of pilots, stewards and passengers?)))

Hmmm, that's a nice photo.

The dog dives for the hoop

(he looks a bit like the squirrel from the ice age))
У папы, мамы и их дочки день рождения в один день
У папы, мамы и их дочки день рождения в один день
Для семьи Боллингэлл (Ballingall) день 1 августа стал днём тройного праздника Дня рождения, потому как все члены этой британской семьи родились в этот самый день. И папа Марк (Mark), и мама Джоди
Mine is on the 11th of August and my little sister's on the 12th - she is a year and a day younger than me. However, my father's is on March 8, my brother's on February 23 and his wife's on May 9.

In the news that Dad and Mum had the same birthday and had a daughter on the same day, this is what surprised me.

It said.

''It's also interesting that even English bookmakers have taken notice of the event, saying that if the couple had placed a bet that their daughter would be born, as they did, on August 1, Bollingall would now be multi-millionaires, because such a bet would be valued at around 48 million to one.''

How did the bookmakers come up with a 1 in 48 million probability figure? Multiply 365*365*365 ? So can I. What about different reproductive activity at different times of the year and abstinence on certain days for religious reasons ?

У папы, мамы и их дочки день рождения в один день
У папы, мамы и их дочки день рождения в один день
Для семьи Боллингэлл (Ballingall) день 1 августа стал днём тройного праздника Дня рождения, потому как все члены этой британской семьи родились в этот самый день. И папа Марк (Mark), и мама Джоди
I have two very close people who have the same birthday. A lot of relatives and acquaintances were born in the same decade of November. The distribution is very uneven. So to say that the chance of mum, dad and daughter being born on the same day is one in 48 million is wrong.
  • "The principles of mindfulness as broadly understood are the opposite of its true purpose."
  • "Stop making decisions."
  • "Stop looking for yourself."
  • etc.
Перестаньте искать себя и начните притворяться. Как китайские философы научат вас хорошей жизни
Перестаньте искать себя и начните притворяться. Как китайские философы научат вас хорошей жизни
История китайской философии в наше время стала самым популярным курсом в Гарварде. Чем же она так занимательна? Давайте разберём наиболее интересные советы о том, как стать лучше, согласно Конфуцию и другим выдающимся мыслителям и философам Китая. Люди часто удивляются, узнав, что Конфуций, Мэн-цзы, Лао-цзы и другие классические китайские...
Karputov Vladimir:
Oh, you've read my mind - I was wondering what to call it. At first, as soon as I saw it, I thought it was really a crowbar, but then it became clear that it was a "pneumolome".
I don't know what to call it either. I made it up myself, that's why it's in inverted commas.
Yuri Evseenkov:
Yes that's exactly what the man is on the surface and mostly chipping away at the edges. His pneumolom goes not BEFORE but AFTER the sucker-crush. So a special communications cable won't be helped by it. It's no substitute for a regular shovel.
How can it not help? Would a man with a pickaxe and a shovel help? There's a sucker-crusher coming in from a distance. Just like a regular excavator first digs to a certain depth, while guaranteeing it will not get stuck. It's the same here, until it's guaranteed not to damage the cable, it sucks it out, and then this guy helps out a little bit. The only difference is he doesn't need a shovel...