Interesting and Humour - page 3255

However, we (the usurpers) decide what should and should not be discussed here. What to discuss here and what not to discuss here.
So it's OK here ...

A ban for a day is not a problem :)

It's Sunday ...
Sergey Golubev:
Although, we (users) are deciding what should and should not be. What to discuss and what not to discuss here.
So it's okay here ...

Ban for a day - it's not a problem :)

It's Sunday ...

For me the ban is unpleasant even for a day, because I will not be able to communicate with clients in person - I will not be able to write in freelance, I will not be able to withdraw earnings

In other situations I don't care about the ban.


Why was Mihu banned?

I wanted to invite him to the Championship thread...

And in general, the man came after a long absence, joined the team with positive posts, did not touch anyone, and it was necessary to poke fun at him, why did they attack him? Who was he bothering, who ratted on him...?

Yuriy Zaytsev:

For me the ban is unpleasant even for a day, because I will not be able to communicate with clients in person - I will not be able to write in freelance, I will not be able to withdraw earnings

In other situations I don't care about the ban.

I was banned for a week - a Russian moderator banned me (and I was already an English moderator) :)

I appealed to the service desk - and unbanned.
Admins sometimes unbanned ... If they see that the moderators ban on emotion.

Andrey Dik:

Why was Mihu banned?

I wanted to invite him to the Championship thread...

And in general, the man came after a long absence, joined the team with positive posts, did not touch anyone, and it was necessary to poke fun at him, why did they attack him? Who was he bothering, who ratted on him...?

for a day for politics. I didn't ban him (but I would have too, they just beat me to it).
He'll be back in a day (I think).
no tragedy here ...
Sergey Golubev:

I was banned for a week - a Russian moderator banned me (and I was already an English moderator then) :)

I had to ask the service desk and he was unbanished.
Admins sometimes unban people ... If they see that the moderator bans on emotion.

The situation when moderators ban members - is normal, not normal situation when the moderator after that two pages poured sewage on the banner.

Sergey Golubev:

I was banned for a week - a Russian moderator banned me (and I was an English moderator by then) :)

I went to the service desk and got unbanished.
Admins sometimes unban... if they see that moderators ban on emotion.

Bath is a useful thing - sometimes it brings you back to your senses!


steam - a broom - (maybe) girls - a bench made of wood, in the steam room on the top shelf - the steam is so that you can not see a thing at arm's length - then the brain is clean as a baby's


It's not normal for a moderator to ban a member, it's normal for a moderator to sling sludge at a banner for two pages afterwards.

It is abnormal for former moderators and ushers to make decisions based on the nationality of the participants.
That's what I wanted to convey here in a dip manner.
Yuriy Zaytsev:

bathing is a useful thing - it sometimes brings you back to your senses!


steam - a broom - (probably) girls - a bench made of wood, in a steam room on the top shelf - the steam is such that you cannot see a thing at a distance of an outstretched hand - the brain is then clear as a baby's

By the way, there are famous forums where the ban is a "medal on his chest. For example, tsd and forex-factory. There, if you are banned by a particular moderator it's like an advantage. It means that the usher is recognizable, he has his own position, he can prove his position, and he is a serious participant, so to speak, in the process (of some kind ...).
Sergey Golubev:
It is abnormal for former moderators and ushers to make decisions based on the nationality of the participants.
That's exactly what I wanted to convey here in a dip manner.

just the highlighted part.

Mishek -- here's his profile was banned two years ago by the Administrator -- and Mishek is still in the ban.

The profile we're talking about now is a clone -- as far as we know, clones don't get banned, they get deleted.

Since Mishek's clone has been banned and the infighting continues, it would be appropriate to follow through -- delete the clone as per the rules -- and decide whether to give the original one amnesty or to keep it in the ban.