Interesting and Humour - page 3219


Shit, you can't see it right away. It's a mess.

My leg itches.

These 5 men took humanity's greatest secrets with them to the grave

  1. Nikola Tesla and wireless electricity
  2. Arne Burling and the mystery of the T52 code.
  3. Maurice Ward and the formula for eternal plastic
  4. Johann Bessler and the perpetual motion machine
  5. Edward Lidskalnin and the displacement of large blocks of stone
Житель Камчатки пожаловался в полицию на то, что с него слишком долго снимают порчу
ПЕТРОПАВЛОВСК-КАМЧАТСКИЙ, 11 августа. /Корр. ТАСС Елена Верещака/. Житель Петропавловска-Камчатского перевел экстрасенсам более 10 млн рублей за лечение по телефону, "амулет удачи" и снятие порчи. Для оплаты услуг он продал квартиру, машину и прочее имущество и сейчас живет на рыболовецком судне, где работает уже много лет. При этом потерпевший...

Lake. Russia.

Isaac Levitan

Date: 1900;

Russian Federation

Style: Realism

Genre: landscape

Media: Oil on canvas

Dimensions: 208 x 149 cm

Coordinates: unknown

Which fish were in the lake at the time of painting: unknown

Lake. Russia. Isaac Levitan

Description of Isaac Levitan's painting "The Lake. Russia."
  • "He travelled very often to the lakes in Tver province, which became the setting for his masterpiece."
  • "The artist never completed this work as he died. This is Levitan's last painting."
Описание картины Исаака Левитана «Озеро. Русь»
Описание картины Исаака Левитана «Озеро. Русь»
  • votes: 1
  • 2014.10.11
Эта последняя картина Левитана написана в 1895 году. «Озеро Русь» — основное произведение живописца поздней поры. Художник так и не завершил это творение, так как умер. Но даже в этом незавершенном виде картина производит на всех зрителей просто грандиозное впечатление. Солнечный день, его невероятная свежесть и особенная яркость, переданы с...
Sergey Golubev:
Description of Isaak Levitan's painting "The Lake. Russia".
  • "He travelled very often to the lakes in Tver province, which became the setting for his masterpiece."
  • "The artist never completed this work as he died. This is Levitan's last painting."

And his teacher was V.D. Polenov, who got Levitan hooked on painting the lakes.

Levitan also has an official website

Художник Исаак Левитан. Картины, биография, творчество. Живопись, и.и. левитана
Исаак Левитан - самый великий из тех русских пейзажистов, которые в XIX веке открыли для современников скромную красоту русской природы. Начиная работать под руководством Саврасова и Поленова, Левитан вскоре оставил далеко позади своих учителей, навсегда вписав свое имя в пантеон отечественной культуры. Долгое время считалось, что в России нет...
Once very long ago I came across a collection of French cartoons (about the Bible). Then after that I began to read the magazine Crocodile from time to time - that was a long time ago (there used to be one, I don't know if there is still one).

Then there was a break, and then I came across Vasya Lozhkin (probably not really a caricature, as he paints pictures on canvas, acrylics), but it struck me that the genre itself is not thriving, while he even had glamorous exhibitions a few years ago, to which the 'nightlife beau monde' came. His website is here.

Главная | Вася Ложкин. Картины, рисунки, песни
Главная | Вася Ложкин. Картины, рисунки, песни
Всё изобразительное творчество Васи Ложкина. Картины и рисунки, популярные, новые и старые, нарисованные за всё время.
Sergey Golubev:
Once very long ago I came across a collection of French cartoons (about the Bible). After that I began to occasionally read the magazine Krokodil - that was a long time ago (there used to be one, and maybe even now I don't know).

Then there was a break, and then I came across Vasya Lozhkin (probably not really a caricature, as he paints pictures on canvas, acrylics), but it struck me that the genre itself is not thriving, while he even had glamorous exhibitions a few years ago, to which the 'nightlife beau monde' came. His website is here.

There hasn't been a Crocodile magazine since 2008. It's a pity. It was a good magazine in its day.