Interesting and Humour - page 3101


Programmers' earnings vary slightly, depending on the language in which they program. Below is a list of programming languages and the average earnings of a programmer working with them (US salaries per year):

Ruby on Rails - $109,460;
Objective C - $108,225;
Python - $100,717;
JAVA - $94,908;
C++ - $93,502;
JavaScript - $91,461
C -$90,134;
R -$90,055;
C# -$89,074;
Visual Basic -$85,962;
SQL -$85,511;
PERL -$82,513.

Read more here:

They say salaries are higher and life is better abroad. Let's try to check this by looking at the average programmer salary in different countries (annual salary, after taxes):

  • USA - $74,300;
  • Canada - $52500;
  • Germany - $32500;
  • Czech Republic - $23600;
  • Lithuania - $29500;
  • Sweden - $21350;

Read more here:
Средняя зарплата программистов: насколько выгодна профессия?
Средняя зарплата программистов: насколько выгодна профессия?
Сегодня, когда все зависят от технологий, чтобы общаться друг с другом, получать нужную информацию. И при этом мало кто знает, как программировать. Если вы решили встать на путь программиста, но не знаете, где можно обучиться, работать и сколько можно зарабатывать, то эта статья для вас. Как обучиться на программиста? Если вы решили выбрать эту...

Good night, everyone)))

grey wolf

import substitution
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Programmers' earnings vary slightly, depending on the language in which they program. Below is a list of programming languages and the average earnings of a programmer working with them (US salaries per year):

Ruby on Rails - $109,460;
Objective C - $108,225;
Python - $100,717;
JAVA - $94,908;
C++ - $93,502;
JavaScript - $91,461
C -$90,134;
R -$90,055;
C# -$89,074;
Visual Basic -$85,962;
SQL -$85,511;
PERL -$82,513.

Read more here:

They say salaries are higher and life is better abroad. Let's try to check this by looking at the average programmer salary in different countries (annual salary, after taxes):

  • USA - $74,300;
  • Canada - $52500;
  • Germany - $32500;
  • Czech Republic - $23600;
  • Lithuania - $29500;
  • Sweden - $21350;

Read more here:

>>> Average salary of the figures of this sphere in our country is more modest than abroad and makes $20000-24000 per year depending on programming language and region. Programmer salary in Russia depends on several other criteria:

roughly as follows

because it is almost not interesting

  • Germany - $32500;
  • Czech Republic - $23600;
  • Lithuania - $29500;
  • Sweden - $21350;

For IT managers and project managers it is twice as much, and they are not interested. This is to say that they will definitely not be hired for similar positions there

And there are some celestials - there is even a cosmic gap with these ridiculous figures - which their children can spend abroad in one day


The Icelandic team beat England

That's "Remainder" - who is that?

СанСаныч Фоменко:

The Icelandic team beat England

That's "Remainder" - who is that?

Roman Busarov:
That's just the national team left.
Alexandr Saprykin:
It's just the national team left.

- Yeah, and they're no longer citizens.

and maybe that says it's fake data


American woman sued for $10,000 to upgrade to Windows 10

"I had never heard of Windows 10 and no one asked me if I wanted to upgrade my OS."

Американка отсудила $10 тысяч за несанкционированное обновление до Windows 10
Американка отсудила $10 тысяч за несанкционированное обновление до Windows 10
  • 2016.06.28
  • Владимир Лещёв
По сообщению , жительница Калифорнии Тери Голдштейн сумела отсудить у 10 тысяч долларов за принудительную установку 10. При этом, как следует из материалов дела, обновление прошло неудачно и на некоторое время компьютер вообще вышел из строя. Пытаясь исправить ситуацию, Голдштейн обратилась в техподдержку компании, но и там ей ничем не смогли...