Interesting and Humour - page 3098


For Lyking and reposting on the internet - up to 7 years.

For whistleblowing - up to 7 years.

To prison - from the age of 14.

And to moderators, facilitation of terrorist activities. Also prison.

I read the law - nonsense of the highest order, as usual.
Who cares about it, a VPN helps. Who and how will monitor it :-)?
Everyone who will install a VPN will have to give the keys to the FSS first :-)))))))) I saw kids set up a VPN once - and they did!

They should have added 5-10 years in prison for using a VPN.

A lot of inconsistencies, including with the constitution:

How to deal with financial systems is also unclear.
SWIFT does not use Russian encryption algorithms,
but it is used by almost all banks in the world, including Russian ones.
Payment systems are required to comply with the PCI DSS standard - it does not provide for disclosure of encryption keys as required by law.

The new law also violates Russian citizens' right to privacy of correspondence guaranteed by the Constitution.
This right can be violated only by a court decision,
However, the "Yarovaya Package" requires law enforcement authorities to have access to all data without a court order.


A reminder - your inaction is aiding and abetting extremism! Up to 7 years!

And to everyone else - failure to report is a criminal offence as of yesterday! Jail time.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

I forgive you, you did the right thing - you snitched.

Невзоров: русские очень любят писать доносы | REGRUSNEWS
Невзоров: русские очень любят писать доносы | REGRUSNEWS
Экс-депутат ГД, публицист Александр Невзоров прокомментировал арест директора Библиотеки украинской литературы в Москве Натальи Шариной.   «То, что русские очень любят писать доносы, выяснилось в первой половине 20 века. Вопрос не в том, что написан донос… Назрели, вызрели ведомства в огромном количестве, эти ведомства налились мощью, силой...
Yuriy Zaytsev:

I forgive you, you did the right thing, you snitched.

No way! You have to go to the authorities to whistle!

So I'm screwed for whistleblowing, but since I am not a citizen of the russian Federation, I don't care....

Just having fun.


Noooo! You should knock it to the authorities!

So I am in trouble for whistleblowing, but because I am not a citizen of the Russian Federation, I do not care....

Oh, so Nevzovorov underestimated the citizens of other countries.

[x] - The snitch has always believed that this option is not a national trait, a person either has it or does not have it.

I prefer the version of the great combinator's phrase, it fits the situation very well:


Don't knock your bald head on the parquet.

Brandon Stone "Ленка", Стихи Леонида Филатова
Brandon Stone "Ленка", Стихи Леонида Филатова
  • 2009.03.24
А я, представь, не верю в эту ночь. Огни мерцают тайнами, В купе бренчат гитарами, А Ленка курит в тамбуре И смотрит в ночь - в такую ночь, Что поскорей бы у...
Dmitry Fedoseev:
What kind of keyboard is so interesting?
Alexandr Saprykin:
What's with the interesting keyboard?

I think it's from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Season 3, episode 13.)