Interesting and Humour - page 3086

A sleepy dinosaur.
gnomura ghost=)
В России впервые использовали квантовую связь для защиты банковских данных
В России впервые использовали квантовую связь для защиты банковских данных
  • 2016.06.16
  • Иван Ортега
Специалисты Российского квантового центра (РКЦ) первыми в стране запустили в опытную эксплуатацию полноценную линию квантовой защищённой связи. Первая передача зашифрованной информации по 30-километровой коммерческой линии связи, соединившей два здания Газпромбанка в Москве, состоялась 31 мая 2016 года. Сегодня шифрованная информация...

Now I went to the grocery store to buy something to eat, went into the cheese shop, and I couldn't believe my eyes: there were Druzhba cheeses from my youth, I hadn't seen them in a thousand years, but they looked exactly the same. And they are as cheap as in Soviet times - 5.35 p, well, translated into our prices of course.

So nostalgic, I bought 20 of them. I came home, wanted to drink some brandy, then I thought, damn, I had no money for horse meat in my youth, got some vodka. I drank it, had a snack, but the taste wasn't the same... The packaging's the same, but the taste's different. Looks like cottage cheese, something between pressed cottage cheese and cheese. Tasty in principle, but the nostalgia immediately went away ))

Alexey Viktorov:

Well, it's probably better than a radioactive bearded man.:))))

(Great, namesake! ))
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Now I went to the grocery store to buy something to eat, went into the cheese shop, and I couldn't believe my eyes: there were Druzhba cheeses from my youth, I hadn't seen them in a thousand years, but they look exactly the same. And they are as cheap as in Soviet times - 5.35 p, well, translated into our prices of course.

So nostalgic, I bought 20 of them. I came home, wanted to drink some brandy, then I thought, damn, I had no money for horse meat in my youth, got some vodka. I drank it, had a snack, but the taste wasn't the same... The packaging's the same, but the taste's different. Looks like cottage cheese, something between pressed cottage cheese and cheese. Tasty in principle, but the nostalgia immediately went away ))

You got nostalgic for melted cheese "Druzhba". When they made them according to State Standard, it was not allowed to use non-dairy fats, and the fact that you can booze flour, starch, and other crap, the producers did not even guess. But then "clever" people came along and called the old tried-and-true name for the new, so to speak, "product". In order not to bear responsibility for counterfeiting they clarified the category - "cheese (cheese) product". Here's a recipe of one of the manufacturers of such obscenities (composition of different manufacturers may vary, they are under new laws do not work under GOST and TU).
Cheese product "Druzhba
Hard rennet cheeses, fat and nonfat melting cheeses, soy protein component for melting cheese products, margarine, cooking fat "Fryer", palm oil, protein mass from the cheese substrate, skim milk powder, corn starch, milk whey dry, Wheat flour, food additive monosodium glutamate (E-621), potassium sorbate (E-202), citric acid (E-330), granulated sugar, melting salt (E-451), stabilizer Hamulzion (mono-and fatty acid duglycerides (E-471), cadmium carob (E-410), guar hydrate (E-412)), kitchen salt, water.

P.S. And bastards, they write all these piquant details in such small print that you can't read them without a magnifying glass.
Vladimir Suschenko:
Nostalgia has struck you for melted cheese "Druzhba". When they were made according to State Standard, it was not allowed to use non-dairy fats, and the fact that you can booze flour, starch and other crap, manufacturers did not even guess. But then "clever" people came along and called the old tried-and-true name for the new, so to speak, "product". In order not to bear responsibility for counterfeiting they clarified the category - "cheese (cheese) product". Here's a recipe of one of the manufacturers of such obscenities (composition of different manufacturers may vary, they are under new laws do not work under GOST and TU).
Cheese product "Druzhba
Hard rennet cheeses, fat and nonfat melting cheeses, soy protein component for melting cheese products, margarine, cooking fat "Fryer", palm oil, protein mass from the cheese substrate, skim milk powder, corn starch, milk whey dry, Wheat flour, food additive monosodium glutamate (E-621), potassium sorbate (E-202), citric acid (E-330), granulated sugar, melting salt (E-451), stabilizer Hamulzion (mono-and fatty acid duglycerides (E-471), cadmium carob (E-410), guar hydrate (E-412)), kitchen salt, water.

P.S. And bastards, they write all these piquant details in such small print that you can't read them without a magnifying glass.

I have a magnifying glass in my kitchen for that very purpose )), I'll try to read it tomorrow. But the font is unreal micron + crumpled foil.

Cheeses in general have become a disaster. Good ones cost unrealistic money.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I have a magnifying glass in my kitchen for that very purpose )), I'll try to read it tomorrow. But the font is unreal micron + crumpled foil.

Cheeses in general have become a disaster. Good ones cost unreal money.

I buy cheese from my regular suppliers, proven manufacturers (small). No chemicals, taste, quality - amazing. True, the stored for a short time (for without preservatives), but no one makes take a lot at a time. By the way, we practically don't take meat products from retail chains either, chicken ducklings, eggs, bacon - all from the countryside from regular suppliers. The last time I bought sausage in a shop about 6 years ago, my wife got access to the technological documentation of one of the reputable companies, and it was a revelation to me that even the most expensive varieties of sausage have soooooo much added to them....
Vladimir Suschenko:
I buy my cheese from my regular trusted suppliers-producers (small-scale). No chemicals, the taste and quality are amazing. It's true that they don't keep them for long (because they don't contain preservatives), but no one forces me to take a lot at a time. By the way, we practically don't take meat products from retail chains either, chicken ducklings, eggs, bacon - all from the countryside from regular suppliers. The last time I bought sausage in a shop about 6 years ago - my wife got access to the technological documentation of one of the reputable companies, and it was a revelation to me that even the most expensive types of sausage have soooo much added to them....
We have normal processed cheese from 8gryn ($0.33). I am horrified when I see cheese priced at 1.25gryn ($0.05) in the ATB, and someone also takes them ... And in general, of course, it is better to buy everything at the market in the suburbs from reliable people and, if possible, grow vegetables and fruit in your own garden.

Meanwhile, the state of California has become the world's sixth largest economy, surpassingthe economies of France, Italy, Brazil, India and other developing nations......

Only the economies ofthe USA, China, Japan, Germany and the UK are bigger than California's economy.

Калифорния стала шестой экономикой мира, обогнав Францию
Калифорния стала шестой экономикой мира, обогнав Францию
  • 2016.06.17
Калифорния обогнала Францию по объему ВВП и стала шестой экономикой мира после США, Китая, Японии, Германии и Великобритании, сообщает агентство Bloomberg со ссылкой на данные департамента финансов штата.