Interesting and Humour - page 3077

Бронебот 2016, настоящие бои роботов в Олимпийском! Это стоит видеть!
Бронебот 2016, настоящие бои роботов в Олимпийском! Это стоит видеть!
  • 2016.02.28
Впервые в России состоялись самые настоящие бои роботов мирового масштаба! Битва роботов проходила на главной арене страны в Олимпийском. В сражении схлестну...
Сбой в Сбербанке позволил москвичу «заработать» 27 млн руб.
Сбой в Сбербанке позволил москвичу «заработать» 27 млн руб.
Житель Москвы воспользовался сбоем в онлайн-системе Сбербанка и за несколько часов увеличил баланс на своем счету с 900 руб. до 27 млн руб. После того как банк отменил все операции, москвич остался должен банку
Sergey Gridnev:
evil sberbank. they have a glitch, and the man owes.
Sergey Gridnev:

Interestingly, according to the bank rules, nothing can be rolled back! Only through the courts.

Or does Sber live by kitchen rules?

СанСаныч Фоменко:

Interestingly, according to the bank rules, nothing can be rolled back! Only through the courts.

Or does Sber live by kitchen rules?

Like children, both you and this player. Grown-ups, but they believe in fairy tales. It's clear that there was a mistake. A normal person would not have gambled, but would have called the bank and asked if everything was OK there.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Like little children, you and that player. Grown-ups, but they believe in fairy tales. It is clear to everyone that there was a mistake. A normal person would not have gambled and would have called the bank and asked if everything was OK there.
It is not a question of clarity, but of the fact that Sber should have taken legal action to recover the money, rather than driving the client into deficit on their own.
Alexandr Saprykin:
The question is not about clarity, but about the fact that Sber should have gone to court to try to collect, not to drive the client into deficit.
No one owes anyone anything
A glitch is a glitch... They just put it all back in place.
And he was in deficit because he had time to make transactions for that amount... Read it again...
He went into deficit for the exact amount he withdrew through the online system... Maybe he's paid more than 6,000 in utility bills... Well now just top up the account :) and the next time he won't play.

And if he hasn't withdrawn it, he'll get it back... They will just sort it out first... It is common practice at banks ... If it happens because of human error ... or because of failure.

Our journalists sometimes write such bullshit...
They don't understand the specifics. They don't know the subject :)

There is also such a thing as a technical overdraft.
He got it exactly in the usual technical overdraft.
There are overdrafts in the millions. I've seen it myself...

And Dimitri's right... He shouldn't have been fooling around. A normal person wouldn't do that. He's not completely stupid... And he's not a child.
The profession is journalism:

A person who is interested in everything but doesn't know anything. ...
Yuriy Zaytsev:
No one owes anyone anything
A glitch is a glitch... They just put it all back in place.
And he was in deficit because he had time to make transactions for that amount... Read it again...
He went into deficit for the exact amount he withdrew through the online system... Maybe he paid more than $6,000 worth of utilities... Well, now he owes it.

There's also such a thing as a technical overdraft.
He's in a technical overdraft.
There are millions in overdrafts. I've seen it myself.

And Dimitri's right... He shouldn't have been fooling around. A normal person wouldn't do that. He's not completely stupid... He's not a child.

Don't bullshit me.

I am writing about the instructions of the Central Bank, which are all our sacred.

There is a list of grounds to which quite certain documents correspond, on which the movement of money through bank accounts, including client accounts, is carried out.

The rules are as follows.

For example.

A client comes in and fills out a document with a mistake, and a teller accepted and executed such a document with a mistake. For example, crossed out what-lo and wrote a new one.

And then we follow the amazing logic of our regulator, the Central Bank of Russia.

An inspection by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation comes in and finds this incorrectly filled in document. The amount indicated in this document is deducted from the bank's turnover, which skews the bank's balance sheet. The CBR concludes that the CBR has been submitting inaccurate statements throughout the period between CBR audits. And unreliable reporting is the main basis for license revocation. If you crawl on your belly and are convinced that there was an isolated incident, the CBR imposes license restrictions as a preventive measure. If the document is not properly drawn up by a private individual, you will probably get a licence restriction on private transactions. Once a licence is restricted, regardless of the financial condition of the bank (the reporting is not reliable!), a pre-bankruptcy state (!) is introduced, to exit from which an action plan must be developed and approved by the CBR. Naturally, such an action plan must include measures that will prevent the acceptance of incorrectly executed payments, as in my example. But in addition to this we will have to make up another 200 pages of measures with justifications and calculations....

Naturally, the Central Bank will be ordered to correct the bank's accounts by an amount (even a few kopecks) and to replace the reports. For each new report, a fine will have to be paid which is calculated on the amount of the bank's own funds. Today, the average bank's own funds are several hundred million roubles. Since the bank submits statements every day, you pay for each day that you have this erroneous amount on your balance sheet. After that, you forget about the "technical overdraft" for the rest of your life.

And God forbid you open your mouth with any "technical overdraft"! The smell of introducing temporary administration into the bank will become very apparent.

At the beginning of the 90s someone deposited a huge sum of money into my company's account, not just for me. So the head of the operations department just wailed for me to sign a payment slip and send the money back. As at the time I was in the position of "technical overdraft" I refused, but when it was explained to me that the money could be stolen... and I became an accomplice... I immediately signed.

I am writing all this in such detail on purpose.

Sitting without any rights in the kitchens and extrapolating these orders to the entire financial system. And everything I've described shows that all these VCs have nothing to do with finance, horse racing, racetrack, no-holds-barred fighting...

So, men, you just have to know your rights and understand who you are dealing with.


Money on the account of the client is his property, to dispose of this money can only the client, drawing up its orders in the form of strictly defined in the form and content of documents, or the bailiff in the presence of a court decision.


СанСаныч Фоменко:

I am writing this in such detail on purpose.

Sitting in kitchens without any rights and extrapolating these orders to the entire financial system. And everything I have described shows that all these VCs have nothing to do with finance, horse racing, racetrack, no-holds-barred fighting...

So, men, you just have to know your rights and understand who you are dealing with.


The money in the client's account is his property, only the client can dispose of this money, making out his orders in the form of strictly defined in form and content of the documents, or the bailiff in the presence of a court decision.

So it is like that, but as soon as you touch it, there you are. Especially in relations with Sberbank. Now I am fighting with them about the fact that for six months they have been transferring some amounts from my account by auto-payment, which I did not ask them to do. The result so far is zero.