Interesting and Humour - page 3072

Alexey Viktorov:

Or maybe there were no such students in your regular Soviet school class.

We even had one repeat student in the sixth form. In my eighth grade class I got a 4 in maths and a 2 in literature, history, geography, foreign language (German), and PE. (German), gymnastics - 2 if I write an essay with a 3. They will give me credits and I'll go to a vocational school... just don't lower our grades... That's what I call the consequences of socialist competition. And later in life I met how they bred "heroes of socialist labor".

It's a little different now, of course, but the main thing is to pay... and you'll get a normal grade. Well, you can hire a teacher as a tutor. It would do some good, but the knowledge would not be much better.

We had only one underachiever with criminal tendencies - he was kicked out in the 7th grade and has rarely been out of prison for more than a month since.
A knight walked in the desert. It was a long journey. On the way he lost his horse, his helmet and his armour. All he had left was his sword. The knight was hungry and thirsty. Suddenly he saw a lake in the distance. He mustered all his strength and went to the water. But a three-headed dragon was sitting by the lake. The knight drew his sword and from the last strength began to fight the monster. One day he fought, the second day he fought. Two of the dragon's heads were cut off. On the third day the dragon collapsed without strength. Nearby, the knight fell, no longer able to stand or hold his sword. And then the dragon asked with the last of his strength: Knight, what did you want? Water. So drink it...
The Central Bank has denied licences to two of the largest forex dealers, Alpari and Forex Club. How will this affect their clients?
On 2 June the Central Bank refused to issue licenses to two major forex dealers: Alpari and Forex Club. According to Interfax-CEA, Alpari is the market leader in the forex market and ranks first both in terms of turnover ($90bn a month) and the number of active clients (137,000). The average monthly turnover of the company is $54bn and the number of clients is 80,000.

Read more on RBC:
Ложная тревога: что делать клиентам оставшихся без лицензии форекс-контор
Ложная тревога: что делать клиентам оставшихся без лицензии форекс-контор
ЦБ 2 июня отказал в выдаче лицензии двум крупнейшим форекс-дилерам: «Альпари» и «Форекс-клуб». По данным «Интерфакс-ЦЭА», «Альпари» — лидер форекс-рынка и занимает первое место как по обороту ($90 млрд в месяц), так и по количеству активных клиентов (137 тыс. человек). У «Форекс-клуба» их вдвое меньше: среднемесячный оборот компании — $54 млрд...
Alexey Volchanskiy:
The Central Bank has refused to issue a licence to two of the largest forex dealers: Alpari and Forex Club. How will this affect their clients?
On 2 June the Central Bank refused to issue licenses to two major forex dealers: Alpari and Forex Club. According to Interfax-CEA, Alpari is the market leader in the forex market and ranks first both in terms of turnover ($90bn a month) and the number of active clients (137,000). The average monthly turnover of the company is $54bn and the number of clients is 80,000.

Read more on RBC:

China's largest bank,Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) has a QUARTERLY turnover of about $140 billion.

JPMorgan Chase has a turnover of about 110 billion USD.

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG)- one of Japan's largest financial groups has a YEARLY TOTAL of 59 billion.

The two kitchen offices, on the other hand, have a MONEY LARGE turnover and are easily making these banks and financial-industrial groups.....


Who writes such things - I do not understand!

They have overtaken Gazprom in terms of "monthly turnover"! And Rosneft....

Alexey Volchanskiy:
Fire away!

It is not clear who writes such things!

They have overtaken Gazprom in terms of "monthly turnover"! And Rosneft....

RBC says, you can see it in the link

It is not clear who writes such things!

They have overtaken Gazprom in terms of "monthly turnover"! And Rosneft....

And how do forex companies calculate turnover? )) In the case of oil and gas, everything is clear: the total revenue from the product sold is taken without taking into account any costs - this is turnover, as I understand it.

In the forex offices traders trade with leverage from 1:100 to 1:500, I think these leverages are used to calculate the turnover, that is, you can safely divide these $90 billion by at least 100, if not more.