Interesting and Humour - page 2991

Sergei Vladimirov:
You're a fucking idiot. Where do you get the means of production from? Where do you get the money to buy goods produced by "someone else"? Look, if you make things very simple, there are only three ways to get money: a) sell something, b) take it away from someone, c) print it. Yes, there are variants b and c in some places, there is no denying that. But your question was why we ("we" means the government, not to be confused with individual citizens) would find a weak ruble more profitable. Well, the answer is: because we have an export economy.
For that you need a head on your shoulders and a government with a patriotic attitude towards its people.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
You are not a slacker, it means you work. They make you do it. We do not have such benefits to live on.

Recently I have started separating work and business.

The benefits are there, pensioners "in the right way" get 10-12 t. My father complains about them, saying he has not worked and his pension is almost the same as his)

There are a lot of birth, 1, 2 and 3 allowances, but they do not give them away.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
They will build it themselves and hope for the right to paint a picture of Mickey Mouse on a T-shirt.

OK, I'll make it easy for you - the only country that can afford to have an import-oriented economy is the US.

Because the US exports dollars. And every country in the world buys those dollars from the U.S. because there is no alternative and there won't be one anytime soon.

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

Recently I have started separating work and business.

The benefits are there, pensioners get 10-12 t.r. My father complains about them, saying they have not worked and the pension is almost like his).

On the birth of a child, 1,2,3 benefits are plentiful, but you don't get them for nothing.

Pensioners get pensions for which they worked hard.

On the birth of a child... "but they don't get it for nothing."

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Pensioners receive the pension they have worked for.

On the birth of a child... "but they don't just give them away".

I don't mean those pensioners) I mean those who get "smart" pensions.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Pensioners receive the pension they have worked for.

On the birth of a child... "but they don't get it for nothing".

is it supposed to be like that, with no business and no reward?

Why does everyone expect someone to give them something for nothing?

ZS: though, water is there for nothing, grass is there for nothing, trees are there for nothing


OK, I'll make it easy for you - the only country that can afford to have an import-oriented economy is the US.

Because the US exports dollars. And every country in the world buys those dollars from the US because there is no alternative and there won't be any in the near future.

Soon, the U.S . economy will collapse. And then there will be the example that the U.S. national debt is equal to a year's GDP, which is bullshit. Anybody can print paper, but only US paper is in demand and others are not.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:
I'm not talking about those pensioners. I'm talking about the ones who get the smart money.
Which ones are those?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
The US economy is about to collapse, it's just paper and that's it. And then there will be the example that the U.S. national debt is equal to a year's GDP, which is bullshit. Anybody can print paper, but only US paper is in demand and others are not.

because there is no other such paper in the world. Because it is the biggest economy in the world.

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Which ones are those?

The ones who get disability pensions on their heads.