Interesting and Humour - page 2944

михаил потапыч:

You'd be surprised. I have schoolgirls who know it. ))))) But thank you))



I believe in the power of female logic. And I'm thrilled))


Why doesn't hell exist?

Real question on a physics test at NUI Maynooth (Kidare, Ireland). One student's answer was so 'profound' that the professor decided to share it online.

The question, "How would you describe hell - as an exothermic (gives off heat), or as an endothermic (absorbs heat) system?"

Most students tried to describe hell using Boyle's law: the gas cools when it expands and the temperature falls when the pressure is applied. One student wrote:

"First we have to find out how the mass of hell changes over time. To do this we need to know how many souls arrive in hell and how many souls leave it. I believe that if a soul enters hell, it cannot leave it. The question how many souls arrive in hell can be answered by different religions existing in the world today. Most of these religions state that the souls of people who do not belong to their church unambiguously go to hell. As a human being cannot belong to more than one religion, it can be said unequivocally that all souls go to hell. Taking into account the birth and death rate indices, we can assume that the number of souls in hell is increasing exponentially.

Let us now consider the question of changing the volume of hell. To maintain the same temperature and pressure in hell, its volume must increase in proportion to the number of souls - according to Boyle's law. In other words, we have two possibilities:

- If hell expands slower than the number of souls staying, then the temperature and pressure there will increase until hell simply collapses;
- but if hell expands faster, then the temperature and pressure will drop - hell will freeze.

Which is the correct option?

Taking Angela's statement in the first year that "it would rather be winter in hell than I sleep with you", and the fact that we woke up together today, we come to the unequivocal conclusion that hell has frozen over. It follows that hell is no longer able to receive souls. Only heaven remains, which confirms the existence of God. Which probably explains why Angela was screaming all last night: "Oh, God!"

The student got an 'A' the only one in the course.


There is a logic exam in progress.


- There are 500 bricks on board the plane. One brick has fallen out of the plane. How many bricks are left on board?


- Well, that's easy! 499!

- Correct. Next question: How do you put an elephant in the refrigerator in 3 steps?

- 1. Open the fridge. 2. Put the elephant in there. 3. Close the fridge.

- Next. How do you put the reindeer in the fridge in 4 steps?

- 1. Open the fridge. 2. Take out the elephant. 3. Put the reindeer in. 4. Close the fridge.

- Great! It is the birthday of the lion, the king of beasts. All the animals came to congratulate him except one. Why?

- Because the deer is still in the fridge.

- That's great! - says the professor. - Let's move on. Can Granny walk through a swamp with crocodiles?

- Of course she can! After all, all the crocodiles have gone out to celebrate the lion's birthday.

- All right! Now for the last question. Granny walked through an empty swamp, but she died anyway. What happened to her?

- Um... um... maybe she drowned?

- No, sorry, a brick fell on her from a plane. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE!


Are the rules different on the English branch of the forum? Or am I missing something?

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

LME product

Stuart Browne, 2016.02.20 10:18

The rules have been relaxed. Broker discussion is fine as long as there is no negative discussion about particular brokers and most importantly, no affiliate links to broker websites :)
With translation:

Discussion of brokers is prohibited here on the forum ...

The rules have been relaxed. Broker discussion is fine as long as there is no negative discussion about particular brokers and most importantly no affiliate links to broker websites :)
Alexandr Saprykin:

Are the rules different on the English branch of the forum? Or am I misunderstanding something?


Discussion of brokers is forbidden here on the forum ...

These rules have been relaxed. Discussion of brokers is good as long as there is no negative discussion of specific brokers and, most importantly, no affiliate links to brokers' websites :)

I visited it the other day too. They sing different songs there and write different articles. And it seems, the grass is greener. :)

Even snatched one walkthrough at ...... С#.