LME product

Is their any broker who provide LME product to trade on mt5. Lead,zinc,aluminium, copper,nickel...
kinjal parekh:
Is their any broker who provide LME product to trade on mt5. Lead,zinc,aluminium, copper,nickel...
try fxpro
Ceaser trade and fortfs
Broker discussion is prohibited here in the forum.. 
Francis Dogbe:
Broker discussion is prohibited here in the forum.. 
The rules have been relaxed. Broker discussion is fine as long as their is no negative discussion about particular brokers and most importantly, no affiliate links to broker websites :)

none of the above broker provide trading in lme nor even the chart.

i found 1 in mt5 but i am not able to find their website. mt5 server is  doboz-trainning but now not able to open demo also with them....

pls some on help on this.....




I'm also having difficulty finding brokers who provide CFDs on Nickel, Lead and Zinc. 

www.Investing.com shows these metal prices and its source is noted as 'CFD' but it does not specify which broker is providing the price. 

Has anyone had any luck in this area? 

Kind Regards


try Activtrades, as i know they offer LME
Rinor Memeti:
try Activtrades, as i know they offer LME
No they don't provide base metals like lead,zinc,nickel and aluminium
You will get LME data here...
i think Slcharting company providing LME data