Interesting and Humour - page 2850


OK. But with this bait, he won't be "road fisherman" anymore.

He'll become a NEO Fisherman.

A NEO sounds proud!

You've been waiting for the bus for ages, and suddenly a flying saucer hovers over the bus stop from out of nowhere. You and nine other frozen passengers are abducted by aliens, representatives of a super advanced civilisation.
Once on the ship, you and your shipmates learn that the aliens have no intention of either making contact with you or studying you - they just want to eat you. But there's a complication - the laws of their civilisation strictly forbid the eating of highly intelligent creatures. There is a collective sigh of relief. But don't rejoice just yet.
To determine your level of intelligence, the aliens put you to the test. You are lined up in a single line by height, facing the lowest person. That is, each of you can only see the people in front of you.
You are not allowed to turn around or turn sideways.
Each person is randomly put a white or a black cap on their head, and you do not know how many white caps and how many black ones there are.
Then the test begins. Each person, in turn, has to say what colour cap he/she is wearing - from the highest to the lowest.
You are not allowed to say any other words than "white" and "black" or give signals in any other way (volume, intonation, gestures, etc). And at least nine out of ten answers must be correct - otherwise you'll be deemed as insufficiently highly organised creatures and eaten. Before the test, you have five minutes to discuss the solution with your team.

What strategy can guarantee nine correct answers and save you all?
Server Muradasilov:
You've been waiting for the bus for ages, and suddenly a flying saucer hovers over the bus stop from out of nowhere. You and nine other frozen passengers are abducted by aliens, representatives of a super advanced civilisation.
Once on the ship, you and your shipmates learn that the aliens have no intention of either making contact with you or studying you - they just want to eat you. But there's a complication - the laws of their civilisation strictly forbid the eating of highly intelligent creatures. There is a collective sigh of relief. But don't rejoice just yet.
To determine your level of intelligence, the aliens put you to the test. You are lined up in a single line by height, facing the lowest person. That is, each of you can only see the people in front of you.
You are not allowed to turn around or turn sideways.
Each person is randomly put a white or a black cap on their head, and you do not know how many white caps and how many black ones there are.
Then the test begins. Each person, in turn, has to say what colour cap he/she is wearing - from the highest to the lowest.
You are not allowed to say any other words than "white" and "black" or give signals in any other way (volume, intonation, gestures, etc). And at least nine out of ten answers must be correct - otherwise you'll be deemed as insufficiently highly organised creatures and eaten. Before the test, you have five minutes to discuss the solution with your team.

What strategy can guarantee nine correct answers and save you all?
The answer is found, aliens bummer!
пServer Muradasilov:
You've been waiting for the bus for ages, and suddenly a flying saucer hovers over the bus stop from out of nowhere. You and nine other frozen passengers are abducted by aliens, representatives of a super advanced civilisation.
Once on the ship, you and your shipmates learn that the aliens have no intention of either making contact with you or studying you - they just want to eat you. But there's a complication - the laws of their civilisation strictly forbid the eating of highly intelligent creatures. There is a collective sigh of relief. But don't rejoice just yet.
To determine your level of intelligence, the aliens put you to the test. You are lined up in a single line by height, facing the lowest person. That is, each of you can only see the people in front of you.
You are not allowed to turn around or turn sideways.
Each person is randomly put a white or a black cap on their head, and you do not know how many white caps and how many black ones there are.
Then the test begins. Each person, in turn, has to say what colour cap he/she is wearing - from the highest to the lowest.
You are not allowed to say any other words than "white" and "black" or give signals in any other way (volume, intonation, gestures, etc). And at least nine out of ten answers must be correct - otherwise you'll be deemed as insufficiently highly organised creatures and eaten. Before the test, you have five minutes to discuss the solution with your team.

What strategy can guarantee nine correct answers and save you all?
So, there are 10 hapless frozen intellectuals lined up in height and five minutes of time.

During these 5 minutes, one can agree that the 1st one, the tallest one, for example, will name white if there are even number of white guys standing in front of them or will name black if there are odd number of white guys standing in front of them.

And then it goes on as usual. And it doesn't matter if the tallest one guesses the colour of his cap or not, because the other nine will definitely give the right answers. And therefore will not be eaten.
Server Muradasilov:

What strategy could ... save you all?
Send the aliens away.

Factories are starting to get excited about New Year's Eve sweets.

Server Muradasilov:

What strategy can guarantee nine correct answers and save you all?
Don't gather more than eight people at a bus stop.
Yury Reshetov:
Send the aliens away.

That's right!

Maybe they should also paint a plate....


Factories are starting to get excited about New Year's Eve sweets.

Yeah. I had a Father Christmas like that last year. It was a great holiday.

Factories are starting to get excited about New Year's Eve sweets.

And it's not clear who the sweets are made for!