Interesting and Humour - page 2828

Server Muradasilov:
70-85 is the maximum and if they go higher, they will not hold it for more than three days and will stop trading.
75 is better than 70. I have already bought at 71, I expect to sell at 65.
Server Muradasilov:
70-85 is the maximum, if it goes higher, it will not hold for three days, they will not let it go, and they will stop the trading.
Do not forget about oil - it goes down like a stone. Oil determines the price of the ruble, but not vice versa. A good indicator might be the value of oil expressed in rubles. Take a look at it and everything becomes clear about the overbought/oversold nature of the ruble.
Alexey Busygin:
A 75 is still better than a 70. I already bought at 71, I expect to sell at 65.
The ruble can be traded when the deposit is unlimited, but otherwise it might take a couple of minutes + the moochy spread.
Vasiliy Sokolov:
You don't forget about oil - it flies down like a rock. Oil determines the value of the rouble, but not vice versa. A good indicator might be the value of oil expressed in roubles. Take a look at it and everything becomes clear about the overbought/oversold ruble.
Server Muradasilov:
I know, I've already burned myself once.
I know, I've already burned myself once, so slowly, with a small lot, slowly.

Yes, it was quite a present - he offered it as a gift.

Yeah, so that half of the population would walk, and 100 percent of people would go out on the streets with placards and banners )))).

Собянин предложил с 1 января запретить топливо класса ниже Евро-5
Собянин предложил с 1 января запретить топливо класса ниже Евро-5
  • 2015.12.15
Москва. 15 декабря. INTERFAX.RU - Мэр столицы Сергей Собянин выступил с предложением запретить с 1 января 2016 года продажу топлива в Москве ниже стандарта Евро-5. "Известно, что главным источником загрязнения атмосферного воздуха в Москве являются автомобили. Каждый день миллионы машин выезжают на улицы Москвы", - заявил он на заседании...
Server Muradasilov:

Yes, it was quite a present - he offered it as a gift.

Yeah, so that half of the population would walk, and 100 percent of people would go out on the streets with placards and banners )))).

This is a hint that it is time to switch to hydrogen sulfide.
Alexey Busygin:
This is a hint that it's time to switch to hydrogen sulphide.
At a price of 40 roubles or more for Euro-5, it's more of a hint to switch to subsistence fodder ))))
Server Muradasilov:

Yes, it was quite a present - he offered it as a gift.

Yeah, so that half of the population would walk, and 100 percent of people would go out on the streets with placards and banners )))).

At my gas station, where I fill up (Gaspromneft) they pour the fourth or fifth grade fuel (I don't know if it has something to do with the Euro-5). By the way, it practically does not affect the price.
Vasiliy Sokolov:
At the filling station I fill up (Gaspromneft) they sometimes pour the fourth or fifth class of fuel (I don't know if it has anything to do with Euro-5). By the way, it practically does not affect the price.
If they introduce this innovation, the price will go up, they need to cover their losses and it will not go down like it always does with us. The price of oil has been in the floor for a long time, while here, gasoline prices are rising. I do not understand the logic, unless - this is a strategically important tax on gasoline for the state )))).