Interesting and Humour - page 2820

Server Muradasilov:

Is there a new epidemic or something :)

Someone is up to something or we do not know something but the protagonist of Titanic also hints that he has Russian roots.
Alexey Busygin:
Someone is up to something or we don't know something, but the main character in Titanic also hints that he has Russian roots.
And instead of pizza, he now orders cabbage soup and vodka and tries on earflaps and valenki in front of the mirror.
Alexandr Bryzgalov:

I remember the words of a sweaty Ulyukayev: "We will not collapse! )

And for some reason he did nothing but talk. Instead of developing high-value-added production, he left the country on the oil needle.
Vadim Zotov:
And for some reason he did nothing but talk. Instead of developing high-value-added manufacturing, he left the country on the oil needle.

), yes yes.

"Don't blame your neighbour for the snow on the roof when your own doorstep isn't even shovelled" )

"What a pity that all those who know how to run the country are already working as taxi drivers and hairdressers."

Alexandr Bryzgalov:

"What a pity that all those who know how to run a country are already working as taxi drivers and hairdressers."

Well said. Right on the money.

Close the wicket and "Igil" won't get through!

A sign on the wicket of a kindergarten in the centre of Kaluga.

Server Muradasilov:

Is there a new epidemic or something :)

They call it a PR move.
Alexey Busygin:
Someone is planning something or we do not know something, but the main character in the Titanic, too, hints at his Russian roots.
Read Levashov forty thousand years ago only Russians lived, why should we be surprised that the Chinese have Russian roots.
Read Levashov forty thousand years ago only Russians lived, why should we be surprised that the Chinese have Russian roots?
Exactly... The Asurians, Sumerians, Egyptians and even Adam and Eve had Russian roots.

And, as it turned out, the first word on earth was the native Russian word 'avos' :-)
Read Levashov. Forty thousand years ago only Russians lived, why should you be surprised that the Chinese have Russian roots?
I have read "Know-Nothing on the Moon" and now I have different information about the origin of man. What to do?