Interesting and Humour - page 2806

Or maybe he knows that gold will start going up in value.
That's no reason to dump his asset for next to nothing.
Искусственный интеллект защитит Википедию от вандализма
Искусственный интеллект защитит Википедию от вандализма
  • 2015.12.01
Москва. 1 декабря. INTERFAX.RU - Википедия начнет использовать алгоритм, способный оценивать качество статей и вносимых правок и, при необходимости, оповещать редакторов онлайн-энциклопедии о необходимости вмешательства, сообщает сайт N+1 со ссылкой на официальный блог Wikimedia Foundation. Сервис под названием ORES при помощи методов машинного...
Svetlana K., a resident of Kirov, who recently returned from a tour with her 17-year-old daughter to Egypt, is outraged. As Svetlana states in a letter to, her daughter became pregnant in the hot country due to the poor operation of the cleaning facilities in the hotel swimming pool.
- I kept a close eye on my daughter Anna, so that she would not get involved in any romantic relationships with local Arabs - writes the indignant Kirov woman. - I did not let her go anywhere near the hotel, and the hotel itself was about 10 km from Sharm el-Sheikh in the tourist zone. Because of the shark situation, we did not swim in the open sea, and swam only in the hotel pool. I immediately noticed that the water there was poorly cleaned and a lot of men from some Arab countries, obviously non-European-looking, were bathing in it. Two weeks after arriving from Egypt a pregnancy test showed that my Anya was pregnant! So there was sperm in the pool. It was the only thing that could have gotten her pregnant.

Svetlana K. says she took a pregnancy test for her daughter before the trip and it came back negative. Her daughter herself denies that she had sexual intercourse with anyone both on vacation and upon her arrival in Kirov.

- It turns out that Arab men do who knows what in the pool, and we Russian women suffer for it! I didn't like these Oriental men, who were looking at my daughter in such a voluptuous way. And she's only 17! I don't know what to do now.

In the near future, the Kirov woman is going to sue the Egyptian hotel for her daughter's pregnancy, and continue consulting with doctors about her daughter's early pregnancy.

First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Sergei Shvetsov believes that the forex market is analogous to a casino and the regulator is not interested in spreading such services in the Russian market. Shvetsov said this to journalists today.

"This product (Forex - editor's note) does not bring any benefit to the population in terms of meeting those needs that we consider significant. Forex is a casino, and Forex satisfies a completely different need - in "gambling". The use of such products in the absence of financial discipline leads to trouble for individual families. We are definitely not interested in promoting these services in the Russian financial market," he said.

The first deputy chairman of the Central Bank also stressed that the objectives for the development of the Russian financial market contained in the "Main directions of development and ensuring the functioning of the Russian financial market for the period 2016-2018", published today, are not the same as "what this product provides".

"We will only support sectors that meet the needs of the significant ones," Shvetsov said.

He said only one market participant had applied for a forex dealer licence and could get it by the end of the year.

ЦБ приравнял форекс-дилеров к казино | 02.12.15 |
ЦБ приравнял форекс-дилеров к казино | 02.12.15 |
Первый зампредседателя Банка России Сергей Швецов считает, что рынок Форекс является аналогом казино, и регулятор не заинтересован в распространении таких услуг на российском рынке. Об этом Швецов заявил сегодня журналистам. «Никакой пользы для населения этот продукт (Форекс - прим.ред.) не приносит по удовлетворению тех потребностей, которые...

Sergey Shvetsov, First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia, believes that the Forex market is analogous to a casino, and ...

... And he is, unfortunately, right.

To conduct a fundamental analysis of the market situation and to polish the accuracy of market entry to a technical one are capable of ONE.

The rest of the "gamblers" and grail-writers are just chasing roulette with a mathematical expectation of less than one.

Not a word about dishonest platforms, mind you.


... And he is, unfortunately, right.

To conduct a fundamental analysis of the market situation and to polish the accuracy of market entry to a technical one are capable of ONE.

The rest of the "gamblers" and grail-writers are just chasing roulette with a mathematical expectation of less than one.

Not a word about dishonest venues, mind you.

What, he's right! Don't be ridiculous! The only thing to do is to force brokers to have a level playing field, between all market participants.

Then the Forex market will not be a game of roulette for most people. True, someone then will have to forget about their super profits.


- What trading strategy do you use?

- Martingale...

(Mute scene)

Timur Gatin:

- What trading strategy do you use?

- Martingale...

(silent scene)

Is it just me, or should there be a "do" between "strategy" and "you"?

- What tradibg dtrategy do you use?
- Martingale...
- Ohh... my God... don't cry my sweetheart.


I'm not sure if there is an MTS operator in Canada, either...