Interesting and Humour - page 2772

Pavel Gotkevitch:
Here it is - people's ingenuity! What a great idea!

(I baked four of them while we were building them, but that's OK)))

Pavel Gotkevitch:
That's how people think! What a great idea!

In Central Asia, a similar device called a beaker is attached to its blades for irrigation. In what century it was invented, no one knows where.


Yachts are a thing of the past. Billionaires are now in vogue with mobile private islands.

Богатство. Яхты – вчерашний день. Теперь в моде у миллиардеров передвижные частные острова
Богатство. Яхты – вчерашний день. Теперь в моде у миллиардеров передвижные частные острова
В последние годы не было недостатка в яхтах с экстравагантным дизайном, но ничто не сравнится с Kokomo Ailand. Это скорее передвижной остров, чем судно. Он сопоставим с роскошным частным курортом. На нескольких палубах присутствуют все признаки заобл...
Igor Konyashin:


One hundred percent green energy is the other extreme. Its rampant growth is primarily sponsored by politics.

The greenness of wind and solar has long been disputed. How much coal must be burnt to produce steel for wind turbines? How much chemicals do you need to regularly wash solar panels and make batteries? How much ore should be shoveled to produce rare-earth elements for panels and batteries with short useful life, and what should be done with their disposal? How many birds are killed by wind turbines and how much vibration they cause to the earth? The UK has refused to build offshore wind farms for this reason. There are many more "how many". Only these "how many" will be replenished at the expense of "non-green" raw material countries.

It is known that gas with modern technologies of combustion gives minimal emission. The famous Icelandic volcano gave an emission comparable to all combined thermal power plants. And politics will not be able to prevent development of gas generation. Anyway, Nord Stream is still under construction!

Yuri Evseenkov:

One hundred percent green energy is the other extreme. Its rampant growth is primarily sponsored by politics.

The greenness of wind and solar has long been disputed. How much coal must be burnt to produce steel for wind turbines? How much chemicals do you need to regularly wash solar panels and make batteries? How much ore should be shoveled to produce rare-earth elements for panels and batteries with short useful life, and what should be done with their disposal? How many birds are killed by wind turbines and how much vibration they cause to the earth? The UK has refused to build offshore wind farms for this reason. There are many more "how many". Only these "how many" will be compensated by non-green resource-based countries.

Gas with modern combustion technologies is known to produce minimal emissions. The famous Icelandic volcano gave an emission comparable to all combined heat and power plants. And politics cannot prevent development of gas generation. Anyway, Nord Stream is still under construction!

With such logic, the world should still ride horses ))

Cars were also inferior to horses at the dawn of their era. Now is the dawn of the era of renewable energy.

Игорь Герасько:

With that logic, the world should still ride horses ))

Cars at the dawn of their era were also inferior to horses in many ways. And now is the dawn of the era of renewable energy.

Isn't gas a renewable resource? You can get it from algae, waste, manure.

Modern internal combustion engines with intelligent environmental units, modern fuel production technologies are not inferior, and often even superior, to the battery-electric motor in electric cars.

Yuri Evseenkov:

Isn't gas a renewable resource?

Gas itself is renewable. But as far as I know, all the gas that is delivered through pipelines is of fossil origin. And it's not a renewable resource if we're not using a geological time scale.

Yuri Evseenkov:

Modern internal combustion engines with intelligent environmental units, modern fuel production technology is as advanced as the battery-electric engine in electric cars.

And that is precisely the part of renewable energy that is now being widely adopted by countries that do not have the necessary quantities of fossil gas. And this is also the right way to go, because it is impossible to reorient industrial production to electricity in the near future (and costly, and the necessary amount of electricity is not yet available). It either runs on coal or gas. As a result, the half-way house was replaced by a solid fuel boiler.

Игорь Герасько:

Gas itself is renewable. But as far as I know, all the gas that is supplied through pipelines is of fossil origin. And that is not a renewable resource, unless we use a geological time scale.

And this is exactly the part of renewable energy that is now being introduced everywhere by countries that don't have fossil gas in the necessary quantities. And it is also the right way to go, because it is impossible to reorient industrial production to electricity in the near future (and costly, and the necessary amount of electricity is not yet available). It either runs on coal or gas. As a result, we took a half-hearted approach - a solid fuel boiler is put in place of the gas pipe.

Fossil gas will last for 80 years, coal for 250. For many years I was an advocate of green energy with wind and solar. Now I find more minuses from them for the nature, than pluses. In addition to those mentioned in my previous post, I will also name the low efficiency of wind turbines and panels. If the total efficiency of a large gas turbine and electric generator can reach 90% and losses in the form of heat energy can be used for heating needs, the efficiency of wind turbine is at best 15%, panels - 5% and the rest - losses, which eventually heat up the atmosphere.

You cannot force something to the detriment of something else. There is a time and a place for each way of generating energy.

Астрономы нашли следы инопланетян, построивших огромные искусственные спутники своей звезды
Астрономы нашли следы инопланетян, построивших огромные искусственные спутники своей звезды
Ученые активно обсуждают новое открытие, сделанное американцами. В США с помощью телескопа Kepler, предназначенного для поиска экзопланет, удалось найти признаки инопланетной цивилизации. Экспертов привлек внимание космический объект KIC 8462852. Выяснилось, что светимость этой звезды, находящейся на расстоянии 1480 лет от Земли, то падает на...