Interesting and Humour - page 2630

Dmitry Fedoseev:
That was about American laser guns.
Why weren't they invited
Alexey Busygin:
Why aren't they invited?
They don't care about that, Alaska and Hawaii are being separated from them.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
They don't care about that, Alaska and Hawaii are being separated from them.
Well, that's good.
Они нашли друг друга
Они нашли друг друга
  • Огурец Гарри
by Огурец Гарри
  • Real men are not afraid of the unknown. It's easy not to be afraid of Unix - it's all very clear. It is much harder not to be afraid of Windows, knowing that it might do something unpredictable. That's why real men put Windows even on critical servers. They have no fear.
  • Real men are not lazy. Almost all Unixoids are lazy - it is easier for them to write a script in ten minutes to automate their work. Real men on Windows easily spend hours doing the same thing manually. They are not lazy.
  • Real men don't start arguments. The Unixoids are fed up with everybody with their debates about which distribution must be installed where, and whether it is Solaris or Linux that is better for the task. Windows as the party's general line is one, even if in several persons. And it develops the way one organisation wants it to develop. Real men like it, it's like the army. Real men are for the command system.
  • Real men don't need comforts. They listen with a smile to the unicsoid arguments about what problems the Windows GUI has, why it doesn't meet any of the requirements for an interface and how lame their command line is. They know all this themselves, they just think it's unworthy of a man to care so much about convenience. Real men can sleep on the bare floor, let alone a colourful, velvet bed, even if it's upright.
  • Real men don't think about money. They will easily pay thousands of dollars for software on their computer, knowing they can get the same functionality for free. They don't need it, because counting money is pettiness.
  • Real men don't need remote work. If they have to, they can even come to the server room at night to run the software they need or see what's going on. After all, they are real men.
  • Real men stand up to challenges. They know that different versions of MS Office are incompatible with each other, but they are not afraid to rewrite a 500-page document if they have to. Or that old software will stop running when you switch to a new operating system. They don't really care that much. They won't whine, they'll just spend a few days rewritting or rewriting software, that's all. They're real men.
  • Real men are thorough. They understand the need to reboot the system after each program is installed, and in general it is not a problem for a real man to reboot his machine once every two or three days. They don't have a problem with periodically cleaning up a crap in the hard drive and the registry, and they don't start an idle scolding on the Net when something else flies during the installation of something. He does not consider it abnormal or unnatural. He simply solves the problem with gritted teeth.
  • A real man doesn't cringe when he finds out that the new version requires three times the memory and is twice as slow. He just takes the money he's been saving for a vacation and goes out and buys a new computer. Real men don't need vacations.
  • Real men don't need ease, convenience or reliability. They need struggle.
And there's only one conclusion to all this. Only whiners and wimps sit under Unix. Real men who sit under Windows are despised for it...
Is that funny?
Is that funny?
It's very interesting )

Have you seen this baad?

It's decades old...and it's from the Soviet Union and it's much more powerful. It's a hundred years later and they've figured out how to make))))) Like most technology, it's all plagiarism.
It's decades old...and it was in the USSR and much more powerful. Got the idea after all these years how to make)))))
Combat operational lasers on USSR warships???????????????????????????
Combat operational lasers on warships of USSR???????????????????????????

I mean, it's been like this for a long time. The competition was between missile defence or similar, at that time missile defence won in the struggle for funding and probably for a number of other reasons.

And the fact that the ships don't have it on them doesn't mean they are lagging behind. And there may be a good reason why it doesn't compete with their existing non-laser counterparts.

Also, the fact that the MOD is not posting videos of entirely new designs on YouTube doesn't mean they are backward at all.

If you show any gimmick from abroad you get an erection. Nobody is considering the practicality in the current situation.