Interesting and Humour - page 2604

Obama's extermination from the White House or how Putin saved Obama from reprisals
Obama has grown old.

On April 11, Kenneth Kong's Facebook page posted a logic puzzle for schoolchildren. In two days, the task from the Singaporean TV presenter's page went viral on the Internet, and many people began to puzzle over its solution.

The solution is

What kind of scam is this? Don't click on the solution. It's a virus. Your phone account will be charged immediately!
It's time to think about buying a paid antivirus.
Did you check the link?
Why am I not the only one complaining?
Did you check the link?
Why am I not the only one complaining?
Because you (the ones complaining) have no virus protection and therefore infected devices.
Did you check the link?
Why am I not the only one complaining?
And review the system folders and registry don't you?)



The first time I saw this device in person, I was almost taken aback. Fishing on the shore, suddenly from behind a cape on the water runs out a man and crosses the river (the design itself is thin and especially from a distance is not noticeable).


Monkeys shot down a drone and took selfies

"Chimpanzees from the Koninklijke Burgers' Zoo in the Netherlands have proved a high level of their own intelligence and ability to use implements creatively. While filming from a drone, the monkeys spotted a strange object in the sky, armed themselves with long sticks, shot down the flying machine and studied it closely.

On the morning of 10 April 2015, the zoo was filming a film about animals and their habitats (this zoo has several extensive areas devoted to different ecosystems). When the drone filming approached the chimpanzees' abode, the apes immediately turned their attention to the machine and armed themselves with long sticks. One of the monkeys climbed a tall tree branch and shot it down as the drone approached. A group of monkeys surrounded the fallen drone. The drone was quickly dismantled, but the camera continued to work. One curious individual lifted the camera off the ground, resulting in monkey selfies."