Interesting and Humour - page 2582

No, I don't think you can do 300 pull-ups either.

Lactic acid accumulates in 30 seconds, with a withdrawal period of up to 2 minutes.

In 30 seconds an athlete doing a maximum of 20 in an approach will be able to do 5 pull-ups without the lactic acid clogging the muscles,

which means the next 15 minutes of rest will be enough time to eliminate the residue.

Молочная кислота в мышцах — SportWiki энциклопедия
Молочная кислота в мышцах — SportWiki энциклопедия
Молочная кислота или лактат образуется в мышцах как продукт обмена в ходе анаэробного гликолиза и вызывает характерное чувство жжения в работающих мышцах за счет понижения pH. Особенно сильно концентрация молочной кислоты возрастает при выполнении упражнений на пампинг, суперсетов, форсированных повторений и др. Существуют научные...

in 24 hours? Easy!

Try it. You'll tell me later. If you make 500 in 24 hours, you'll make 300 in 12 hours - go for it. Let me know when you've done it. I'll take your word for it.


How much can you do? )

That's the thing, I do pull-ups about 20 times, and I do 30-50 pull-ups almost every day. I'm not sure I can do 300.


Lactic acid accumulates in 30 seconds, the withdrawal period from the muscle is up to 2 minutes.

All the white muscles will be gone in the first 50 times, maybe 100, and then all hell will break loose.

I think a man does more than a hundred pull-ups at a time. It's a simple calculation.

4320/((100/20)^2) = 172 pull-ups. And that number is very similar to the truth, believe me.


All the white muscles will be gone in the first 50 times, maybe 100, and then all hell will break loose.

I think a man does more than a hundred pull-ups at a time. It's a simple calculation.

4320/((100/20)^2) = 172 pull-ups. And that number is very similar to the truth, believe me.

i don't think so. googled the subject and it turns out that 5 pull-ups per pull-up is considered optimum. besides, when working on a record for a day, endurance, and not physical strength is paramount. during such exercises physical strength of muscles is reduced. therefore for such athletes 50 times per pull-up is above their capabilities. but for a day please - more than 4000 times.

i don't think so. googled the subject and it turns out that 5 pull-ups per move is optimal. besides, when working for a record in a day, endurance is more important than physical strength. in such exercises physical strength of muscles is reduced. therefore for such athletes 50 times per move is above their capabilities. but in a day - more than 4000 times.

Would you rather live to be 100 and do a parachute jump on your 100th birthday? ))

Georgina Harwood, who lives in the South African capital, decided to celebrate her 100th birthday in an unusual way - in front of her family she did a tandem parachute jump.

It's true about engineers, isn't it?

how boring my life is