Interesting and Humour - page 2581


I fundamentally disagree.

For example, look at what is going on in the betting market 20 minutes before the US perols release and 5 seconds before the release.

Which futures in the betting market?

Well...................... there are a lot of limiters in both directions, you can't close!


What futures are in the market?

Well...................... there are a lot of limiters in both directions, you can't close !!!

The video is very poor quality, but still it is clear that the first movement was on the previous candlestick and it is not visible aska, but only the bid component of the chart and it has jumped down very quickly

Either the market was selling before the news (a la insider) or the MM removed the limiters (as I said)

the next candlestick looks like a news candlestick, but it doesn't look like news

the fact that quotes do not move after a precipitous drop (it feels like a low-liquid market or the biggest price filtration)

To understand what I'm talking about, go to the futures on the pound and the austral, for example, and see what happens before the news for these countries

pull up 500 at least )) not impressive
I can do 5 pull-ups every 15 minutes for 24 hours, easy.
much harder than 500. :)
and 500 at once even the swarthy guy in the video can't do it.
Sorry, Andrei, I don't believe it. How many pull-ups do you do?
Sorry, Andrei, I don't believe it. How many pull-ups do you do?
Up to 20.
up to 20.
Nah, I don't think you'll make it to 300 either.
No, I don't think you'll make it to 300 either.
Recently, there was a competition among the world's celebrities to pour a bucket of ice-cold water over their heads. This process was filmed on video and posted (I do not remember exactly, it was posted simply on YouTube or on a special site). So you can do the same with pulling up :).
No, I don't think you can do 300.

in 24 hours? Easy!

How much can you do? )