Interesting and Humour - page 2580

The man died, stands before God. He directs him to heaven. Man:
- Lord, I have one question for you. Tell me, what was the meaning of my life?
God goes away, comes back with a big book:
- So... where is it... ah, here. Do you remember ten years ago when you were sent on a business trip to Izhevsk?
- I do. I almost missed the train.
- Yeah. Remember when you ran out of two beers and went to the dining car?
- I do, Jesus.
- Remember when the woman at the next table asked you to pass the salt?
- Well?
- There you go!
Is that humour or is that interesting?
Is this humour or is it interesting?


Funny American trader didn't put a stop !!!!Had a very long laugh !!!



Funny American trader didn't put a stop !!!!Had a very long laugh !!!

Nonsense, stops are put on the market as margins so would have slipped to the bottom of the trading gap as well, just with a stop in this situation the loss was fixed immediately at the bottom of the candle, and without it (if there was no margin call) there was an option to wait it out (if the market returns).

If you were not at the terminal and everything would have worked out fine, you would have got the shit kicked out of you.


Nonsense, the stops are placed on the market as margins, so you would have slipped to the bottom of the gap in this situation, just with a stop in this situation, the loss was fixed immediately at the bottom of the candle, and without it (if there was no margin call) was an option to wait it out (if the market returns).

If you weren't at the terminal, and everything turned out well, you would have gotten the shit kicked out of you.

Stops would have slipped only in case of a gap or lack of liquidity. And at the time of the occurrence of such bars (which is obviously some kind of cool news) liquidity in the market as much as Abundance!

he does separate sets of 5 pull-ups. so not particularly impressive. although he's undeniably good.
he does separate sets of 5 pull-ups. so not very impressive. although, undoubtedly, good for him.
do 500 pull-ups at least )) not impressive

....(obviously this is some cool news) liquidity in the market is plentiful !!!

I fundamentally disagree.

Look at what's going on in the betting market 20 min before america's perols release and 5 sec before release.