Interesting and Humour - page 2553


Expect a price increase on Monday


К забастовке работников нефтяной отрасли США присоединились два НПЗ британской ВР
К забастовке работников нефтяной отрасли США присоединились два НПЗ британской ВР
НЬЮ-ЙОРК, 8 февраля. /Корр. ТАСС Андрей Бекренев/. Сотрудники двух нефтеперерабатывающих заводов (НПЗ) британской компании ВР, расположенных в американских штатах Огайо и Индиана, присоединились к начавшейся 1 февраля забастовке работников нефтяной отрасли США, крупнейшей с 1980 года. Об этом сообщил Объединенный профсоюз работников...
And what will the universities do after the computer is implanted in the brain? Will they require their heads to be unscrewed and left behind in the classroom?

Option 1 Training will be done directly into the implanted computer. It would also make sure that you don't cheat).

Option 2 Universities and cheat sheets would no longer be needed.


Option 1 Training will be done directly into the implanted computer. It would also make sure that you don't cheat).

Option 2 Universities and cheat sheets would no longer be needed.

Exactly like in The Matrix - a wire inserted in the head and an update uploaded for the entire course of study.
Exactly, like in The Matrix - they put a wire in your head and upload an update for your entire training course.
Yeah. Teach jiu-jitsu in a jiffy ;)

I'm wondering, if I post something that denigrates Ukrainian politics, they will definitely ban me, but will they ban me for something that denigrates Russian politics?

Or am I more likely to be banned for defending the dignity of OUR country?

Defending the dignity of your country is a very worthy cause. But it should be done concretely and with dignity - as, for example, the head of the Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, Dr. Elena Mizulina,
who introduced to the Duma a bill to promote Russian lineage by having children by President Vladimir Putin.
Yelena Borisovna explained the idea of the bill as follows:
"The essence of my proposal is simple - every Russian citizen will be able to receive President Putin's genetic material by mail, get pregnant by him and give birth to a child for a certain fee. Such mothers would receive a special allowance from the government.
And children born in such a way will be brought up in special institutions, like Suvorov schools, in a spirit of devotion to the Motherland and the President. They will then form the military and political elite of the country.
Female citizens of other countries will also be able to obtain genetic material of the President for a certain fee, and to send the born children for upbringing in Russia.
This measure will serve to increase the birth rate and educate the population in the spirit of patriotism".

P.S. And those who post anything defaming Russia should be forgiven. Not them, it's their mothers' fault - well, they got pregnant by the wrong man... :-)

But for such disrespect for the Russian language, they should be deported.

DenizBank: ЦБ РФ и Турции готовятся к переходу на расчеты в нацвалютах
DenizBank: ЦБ РФ и Турции готовятся к переходу на расчеты в нацвалютах
  • 2015.02.08
СТАМБУЛ, 8 фев — РИА Новости, Алена Палажченко. Центробанки РФ и Турции ведут работу по подготовке к переходу на расчеты в национальных валютах, сообщил РИА Новости в воскресенье президент и исполнительный директор турецкого банка DenizBank Хакан Атеш. Атеш заявил, что у DenizBank сейчас нет никаких проблем, связанных с тем, что он практически...
