Interesting and Humour - page 2529

You know, colleague, I was also once a bit taken aback by the Belarusians' initiatives, but after talking to them personally (my relatives live there), it turned out that the Belarusians had long ago been paying for Russian imports in dollars, while Russia was paying for Belarusian imports in rubles, so now they (Belarusians) have done the same thing as Russia ))
Энциклопедия зачистки: люди, схемы и деньги исчезнувших банков
Энциклопедия зачистки: люди, схемы и деньги исчезнувших банков
Основной владелец Convers Group. Свою империю Антонов и его отец Александр начали строить в 1999 году с покупки Академхимбанка, который в 2005-м был переименован в Конверсбанк-Москва. В 2002 году Антоновы купили у группы МДМ Конверсбанк. После того как Конверсбанк и Конверсбанк-Москва не вошли в систему страхования вкладов, Антонов стал...

There are five days left until the new year.

There are five days left until the new year.

Sevastopol's Pisa...

In Sevastopol there was a planned explosion of a 16-storey house built, according to the current Sevastopol authorities, illegally.

Except that after the explosion the house was not destroyed, but only settled on two floors and tilted.

The result was a kind of analog of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
He's probably not from around here...

when there is no place to swim, you have to run)))
Happy New Year to all! Profits and more
"The outgoing year was not easy (2014=2*19*53). The next two years will not be easy, but 2017 will be easy again.")

Vishnevsky's odnoshits.

No, I can't do this pose before the wedding.

What do you need health at your age?

My darling, I wish it were morning...

I didn't love you as much as you moaned...

Sweetheart, you're a talker, aren't you?!

I'm dying, but we'll talk about that later...

It's been a long time since I lay in the columned hall...

Is it all right if I talk about the main thing at once...?

He gave the tests. But they're back.

Preparedness for failure is our strength.

You're just in time. We're having a debauchery.

Breathe, or they'll take that away too.


Now it's cheaper to pay

But where do we get the money to smoke a bong?

I wonder if I should abscond with the money.