Interesting and Humour - page 2299

Continued from the famous blogger, famous photographer and businessman Sergei Dolya.

Now: Samara.

Click here for the full post.


Samara. Miss Expedition for one night:

"This time Katya, the administrator of Green Line Hotel in Samara, handed me the symbolic keys to the city. As it turned out later, Katya had been studying our website all night, and the next morning she asked us to join her company to Ekaterinburg. We agreed and took the girl on board, but not for long: the next day Miss Expedition resigned and retired in Ufa. A pity, of course, but nothing could be done.

In Samara we were not long, but had time to see the city centre, embankment, beach and old Samara courtyards. And at the very end, 130 km away from Samara in Sergievsky district we visited Goluboe Ozero, a sulphurous spring in a sinkhole."

"A short presentation of the city for us was given by Alexander Kobenko, the acting minister of economic development of the Samara region."
(in the suit on the left, with Sergei Dolya in the centre)

Read the full post here.


Of course the event is serious ... but I'm sorry - for me it's humour... maybe there's some harsh historical truth to World War I ... But I was in Bosnia in 1995-1996 (and I am very fond of this country and its people), and we know about fundamentalism of Tsereteli ...

In short - I am at a loss for words :) Here's an example (it's his monument, but not that one - it's probably bigger):

Памятник императору Николаю II открыт в боснийской Баня-Луке
Памятник императору Николаю II открыт в боснийской Баня-Луке
  • 2014.06.21
БЕЛГРАД, 21 июн — РИА Новости, Николай Соколов. Торжественное открытие памятника последнему российскому императору Николаю II авторства Зураба Церетели состоялось в субботу в городе Баня-Лука в Боснии и Герцеговине, передает боснийское телевидение. Церемония прошла в рамках мероприятий, посвященных 100-летию Первой мировой войны. Как заявил...

My point is ... a lot of the top blogs were now about the First World War (just go to Russian news aggregators and look). Now - about the beginning of the second ... (I mean what people are discussing - history).


Tomorrow Was War - another (after Sergei Dol) popular blog, with a historical bias.

June 20, 1941:

June 1941. A student in Minsk:

Завтра была война
Завтра была война
21 июн, 2014 @ 16:14 5 июня 1941. Алушта 8 июня 1941. После окончания семилетки 15 июня 1941. Украина, г. Енакиево 20 июня 1941 года 22 июня 1941 Июнь 1941. Студентка. г.Минск, Июнь 1941. Челябинск Июнь 1941...

"TheDodge Tomahawk is a cool motorbike with a V10 engine. It can reach a top speed of 676 kilometres per hour and from 0 to 60 kilometres per hour in 2.5 seconds and costs around $700,000.


I've been working too hard.


What people who are dying regret

A nurse decided to write down what people regret before they die, and one of the most common regrets was 'I worked too hard'. If today were the last day of your life, what would you regret the most?
О чем жалеют умирающие
О чем жалеют умирающие
Одна медсестра решила записать то, о чем сожалеют люди перед смертью, и одним из самых частых сожалений стало «Я слишком много работал». Если бы сегодняшний день стал последним днем вашей жизни, о чем бы вы сожалели больше всего? Перед смертью люди не сожалеют о недостатке секса или о несбывшейся мечте прыгнуть с тарзанкой. Одна медсестра...
Continued by renowned blogger, renowned photographer and businessman Sergei Dol.

Now: Ufa.

Full post here.


The heart of Ufa

Так выглядит слово Уфа на башкирском языке. Местные еще называют этот памятник "Три шурупа":

Read the full post here.


Photo from personal collection and personal production:))

Summer 2013 - Odessa region.

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Interesting material from Ideonomics and articles in leading business publications and blogs that we found important, useful or surprising.

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