Interesting and Humour - page 2294


He seems to have abused himself again:

You can talk to Mishek about it. You share the same "flute". And the fact that the UN is not fulfilling its functions or practising a policy of double standards, under the influence of those concerned, is already clear to all. Even to those who deny it. That's the job.
You can discuss this with Mishek. You share the same "flute". And the fact that the UN is not fulfilling its functions or is practising double standards, under the influence of those interested in it, is already clear to everyone. Even to those who deny it. That is the job.
Who I discuss it with is up to me. I do not comment on politics other than in a humorous manner in the Humor thread, so I will not continue with this topic from my side, because there will be no humor there anymore.
It is up to me to discuss it with. I do not comment on politics except in a humorous manner in the Humour thread, so I will not continue with this topic, because there will be no humour there.
There is no need for humor. This event is quite interesting. Now you know exactly who you shouldn't discuss it with. You'll decide right away, not later. Especially if the humour is flat. )
Coca is not cocaine and has another use, it should be noted that the EU has even given 420,000 to Bolivia for this, for research on the use of coca. Bolivia, rich in resources, is a poor country and exporting coca would enable people to live normally, to cultivate coca legally - after all, it's what they do in South America anyway.

The ten most expensive foods in Japan

  1. Milk - $43.
  2. Marble beef pizza - $66
  3. Fugu - $100.
  4. Square watermelon - $800 apiece.
  5. Matsutake mushrooms $2,000 a kilo
  6. Beef wagyu - $500 to $2,800
  7. Roman ruby grapes $4,000 a bunch
  8. Black watermelon densuke - $6,100 apiece
  9. Royal yubari melons - $26,000 apiece
  10. Toro - price unavailable

LG Nexus 5 review: the Google smartphone experience

When someone asks "what Android smartphone to buy, with great features, but not very expensive", the collective mind amicably starts advising Nexus 5. And it really is an excellent option - a 4-core chip, a large FullHD screen, a decent camera, a lightweight body in a classic touchphone design. And the price of 15-16 thousand, although you can easily find it for 13-14. Ah yes - always a fresh version of Android is also an argument! Nexus costs considerably cheaper than the top devices of the well-known manufacturers, and at the same time it is not particularly worse. In fact, all Nexus-branded devices were so attractive. And it's unfortunate that Google is rumoured to have decided to close the True Googlophone range. It should be replaced by the Android Silver series, flagship devices from leading vendors with "pure" Android on board, promptly receiving all updates and additional support.

But back to our Nexus. The fifth generation has been developed by LG. In principle it does not matter who created the device, they always turn out good - both HTC, Samsung and LG.

more here

Android Silver — новый проект Google по выпуску флагманских смартфонов
Android Silver — новый проект Google по выпуску флагманских смартфонов
Компания Google собирается изменить схему выпуска смартфонов на чистом Android: смартфонов Nexus больше не будет, зато появятся устройства, разработанные в рамках проекта Android Silver. Об этом на правах слухов сообщает The Information. Смартфоны Android Silver будут обладать исключительно флагманскими характеристиками, Google проследит...

And now for the highlights


World of Tanks users had an opportunity to play tank football during the 2014 World Cup(from here)

The official website of the popular online game World of Tanks published an announcement on 13 June about the appearance of a 'football' mode in the game for the duration of the FIFA World Cup.

"All you have to do to play in the new mode is to select the T-62A SPORT tank and press the "Into Battle!" button. You will then be taken to a football field set up on the site of the central square "Himmelsdorf" (the name of one of the game maps)," the statement said.

Teams in tank football will consist of three players, with each game lasting seven minutes or ending as soon as one of the teams has managed to score three goals against its opponents. At the same time, you can guide the ball, not only the body of the tank, but also with shots from the cannon.

The gameplay is demonstrated by a short video published on YouTube. The authors note that during the game, tanks will be virtually invulnerable to gunfire, but may receive temporary damage to their tracks, allowing opponents to realize a numerical majority and score a goal.

Играем в футбол с World of Tanks!
Играем в футбол с World of Tanks!
Как и в настоящем футболе, здесь есть свои правила, точнее, особенности, о которых необходимо знать: * Т-62А СПОРТ будет начислен 12 июня в 10:00 (МСК). Игрокам, которые на момент начисления указанного танка будут находиться в игре, необходимо выйти из клиента и авторизоваться заново. Либо же сыграть случайный бой, по окончании которого и...
Пулю в лицо за товарища
Пулю в лицо за товарища
  • 2014.06.16
  • Анатолий Караваев
В Краснодаре возбуждено уголовное дело по факту дорожной разборки, в ходе которой один из водителей на АЗС расстрелял оппонента из травматического оружия. После этого мужчина приехал в больницу и открыл огонь по приятелям обидчика. Сам стрелок категорически отрицает свое участие в инциденте, несмотря на то что у полиции уже есть записи с камер...

AndroidGaming News - Issue 61

В этом выпуске мы расскажем о свежих анонсах от gameloft с выставки E3, про очередную мобильную игру про Агента 47 от Squere Enix о о портировании стратегии Homeworld от Beloko. Ну а следом новинки, RPG в сеттинге Angry Birds от Rovio, красивая головоломка Kiwanuka и продолжение отличной военной стратегии Greate Little War Game 2.