Interesting and Humour - page 2280



Stepan Demura. Interview.
The collapse of the US economy

Already better.

in the Adyghe version of the Nart epic, the god of evil. P is anthropomorphic, male (his epithet is "goat's beard"). He lives now on earth, now in the sky. His bodyguards are an eagle and a dragon. As a cosmic deity, P. sends thunder blows to the earth, drenches it with a downpour, or dries it with dry winds. His actions are directed against the Narts; he takes fire from them, causes sterility of women and animals. The Narts were saved from P. byUazirmes. He overtook him in the sky in his palace and cut off his head. According to a variant of the tales, P. chained Nasren-jache, who opposed him, to Mount Oshamakho.
m. m.

(Source: Myths of the World).

Какая часть мира станет Крымом для Китая
Какая часть мира станет Крымом для Китая
  • Константин Ранкс
Пока внимание европейцев занято более близким им кризисом на Украине, в Азии вовсю разворачивается гораздо более сложный и опасный конфликт, грозящий крупной региональной войной и мировыми потрясениями, – конфликт за острова Южно-Китайского моря. На открывшемся в минувшие выходные Форуме по безопасности в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе глава...
Банк ”Огни Москвы” втихую расторг договоры с рядом вкладчиков
Банк ”Огни Москвы” втихую расторг договоры с рядом вкладчиков
Схему, когда банк берет у человека деньги во вклад, а потом втихую расторгает договор и делает с деньгами что хочет, оказывается, использовал не только Мособлбанк. Многие вкладчики банка ”Огни Москвы”, лишившегося лицензии 16 мая, не нашли себя в реестре: их депозиты были закрыты банком еще в прошлом году. О проблемах с получением страховых выплат по депозитам в банке ”Огни Москвы” РБК рассказали несколько вкладчиков. Сложности возникли с депозитами, которые оформлялись в двух отделениях банка — на Новой Басманной (головной офис) и на Мясницкой.
Alexei Krol on aging and active ageing

Alexei Krol -- CEO of CrowdSenergy R&D Group, film producer, architect of the Preventive Medicine professional community.

Below is a text (and video) from him.


From time to time, the public asks what is the coolest innovation, the most promising direction. I have already set out on this topic, but I will say it again. All these googles, shmugles, facebook, iPhones and other stuff are for hipsters. so what really matters?

there is one thing that has gone unnoticed by a wide audience but is more fundamental than even the invention of the wheel: scientific proof of neuroplasticity.

neuroplasticity is a property of the brain as a complex system to change under the influence of experience. before that there were ideas that our brain is a very mechanical entity that develops according to certain internal laws, reaches its peak at the age of 35-40 years old and then slowly degrades until senile dementia. at the same time many talked about the possibility of plasticity long ago and in some traditions considered it a fact, but the body of scientific evidence that has allowed this fact has critically gathered only 30-40 years ago.

What does this mean for humanity?

It means that our brain, and consequently our cognitive abilities, is a flexible and constantly changing system which is constantly developing depending on what and how we do it.
it means completely different, qualitatively different approaches to understanding how a child becomes an adult, how a talentless person can become talented, how a genius can degenerate, how an elderly person can become young, how autistic, mentally retarded people can become full members of society, how people with neurodegenerative disorders, of which there are up to two yards on the planet, can be helped....

Finally, and most importantly, how can the brain be developed so that new abilities for perception, thinking, analysis and action emerge? In essence, neuroplasticity is the gateway to a new stage of evolution.

Why is this important? Because all that has uplifted us and all that we have created is a consequence of human knowledge and development and all that destroys us is a consequence of human ignorance. neuroplasticity offers hope that the general level of development can be dramatically improved and it is possible to recognise that ignorance is a social disease-more dangerous than cancer, aids, diabetes and all of them combined.

How to approach this problem?

The key is to identify those patterns of activity which stimulate purposeful positive plasticity-one that makes us smarter, healthier, longer-lived:

1. Plasticity is a property that can lead to both development and degeneration.

2. Using plasticity can be developed, treated and rehabilitated.

3. Plasticity has dynamics and direction.

4. A certain type of activity combined with medication can increase the dynamics and direction of plasticity. This means a deeper and faster development, treatment and rehabilitation.

5. the parameters of the desired activity is the need to explore, learn new things, i.e. when there is a certain gap between ability and need + motivation (at the expense of meaningfulness).

6. When this gap is of a certain size - not too big and not too small (this is the reason for the scrum approach), it creates the most adaptogenic conditions. If small, the system tries to solve the problem within its own limits, if too large, it is stressful, the logistics fail and possibly provokes a degradation effect. The size of the "step" can also grow over time.

7. The speed of plasticity is determined by logistics and motivation. This means that the "growth" of neurons and tissues in general depends on the logistics of bio-chemical processes, the availability of substances and the rate of bio-chemical reactions. Accordingly, this rate can be very high or very low. We need to find out when the growth rate is high. This has something to do with cancer, as there is also growth there.

8. Applied Objective 1 - learn how to measure plasticity - locally, globally, speed, parameters and find the connection with cognitive and motor domain. If we can measure, we can look for growth factors that can create the necessary plasticity change.

9. Applied Objective 2 - To develop adaptive techniques for education, correction, rehabilitation and treatment of various problems related to degradation of organs and systems.

10. This same methodology is also possible for many organs, from muscles, nerves, bones to functional organs.

11. Then understand how to make such a technique inexpensive, accessible, and scalable.

I have a hypothesis, which I voiced during my talk at TEDMED, that this approach might dramatically increase active longevity and longevity:


9 reasons to start running

  1. Running improves your heart and blood vessels
  2. It also improves the oxygen capacity of the blood.
  3. An excellent way to combat nervous tension.
  4. During prolonged exercise, a special hormone called endorphin is released into the blood. This hormone is also called the "happiness hormone". Depression disappears.
  5. It boosts mental alertness.
  6. Regular jogging improves the immune system by increasing red blood cells and haemoglobin in the blood.
  7. You can run at any time of day. For example, in the morning, when the blood has high levels of hormones, running is a natural way to de-stress, which helps the body to return to harmony. If you run in the evening after a day's work, it will relieve stress, relax, recharge your energy, suppress excessive appetite and help you fall asleep.
  8. Research shows that the liver tissue is partially regenerated.
  9. Regular running also has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system.

9 reasons to start running

  1. Running improves your heart and blood vessels
  2. It also improves the oxygen capacity of the blood.
  3. An excellent way to combat nervous tension.
  4. During prolonged exercise, a special hormone called endorphin is released into the blood. This hormone is also called the "happiness hormone". Depression disappears.
  5. It boosts mental alertness.
  6. Regular jogging improves the immune system by increasing red blood cells and haemoglobin in the blood.
  7. You can run at any time of day. For example, in the morning, when the blood has high levels of hormones, running is a natural way to de-stress, which helps the body to return to harmony. If you run in the evening after a day's work, it will relieve stress, relax, recharge your energy, suppress excessive appetite and give you a good night's sleep.
  8. Research shows that the liver tissue is partially regenerated.
  9. Regular running also has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system.
It's hard to go jogging in the morning if you have to leave for work at 5:30 a.m. :).