Interesting and Humour - page 2247

You want to get to know a man, make him the boss.

He's not the boss yet, but he's already pissed me off. And I only found out the meaning of his actions/words through this emotional assault ...

I deleted his thread in March, he got back at me at the end of May ...


That's it, I'm cleaning up all these posts.


Man, you're a liar!

You were PRing your signals in a separate thread. I deleted it in March.


I'm going to clean it up now.


I'll ban you if you come back.

(I'll wait 10 minutes and then I'll clean it up).


I apologise, but it's like some people just own an oil rig and have millions dripping in ... I for one can't afford to be distracted by such discussions for more than 5 minutes ... but they can ... it means they are oligarchs


Man, you're a liar!!!

Why liar?! If everyone posts a thread about his super-duper signal, the forum will turn into a dump. If you want to discuss intermarket links, you're welcome. It is ridiculous to hear reproaches about somebody not posting sources from a man who has zero entries in codebase, articles and forum themes. Be gentle with those around you and especially with those who are far from programming. Trust me, then there will be constructive discussion and exchange of experience and kind moderators.
Why a liar?! If everyone is posting about his super-duper signal, the forum will turn into a dump. If you want to discuss intermarket links, you're welcome. It is ridiculous to hear reproaches about somebody not posting sources from a man who has zero entries in codebase, articles and forum themes. Be gentle with those around you and especially with those who are far from programming. Trust me, then there will be constructive discussion and exchange of experience and kind moderators.

Once again, there was no posting about super-duper. In general, there was an invitation to discussion, with the possibility of observing the life of the trading system.

Regarding "total zero":


I also want to make it clear about that "Europe is an asshole" picture this morning.

I have already written here that I live in Kaliningrad

  • Kaliningrad is an old Russian city
  • Königsberg is a German city
  • Karaliavičius - Lithuanian town
  • Królewiec - an aboriginal Polish town.

That's where I live. When I came to Kaliningrad from Lithuania (my parents came) I didn't speak Russian at all... So I went to the first grade of our Russian school... :) But that was a long time ago...

And Moscow is far away from us... I can't even remember when I went there. And to Germany - regular buses from the local bus station ... and for me it was all the same - Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, our Kaliningrad...

I don't know what sense you (Contender) put into that picture when you complained, but I've been to Western Europe too, and not just once. And it's boring there, especially in Switzerland ... There after 8-7 pm - no one on the streets. It's so boring, it's a total b*tch.

That was the point of my morning post yesterday, I got up yesterday morning with that feeling. I try not to watch the news on TV.
What did you think?


I would also like to clarify

Gentlemen! Excuse me for interfering. But this thread is called "Interesting and Humorous". Your battles are neither interesting nor funny. A man wakes up, makes coffee, opens the forum - and instead of boobs he sees your uninteresting discussion. That's what the private section is for, pardon me.
Россия не сможет отключить наземные станции позиционирования GPS на своей территории, так как их на ней нет
Россия не сможет отключить наземные станции позиционирования GPS на своей территории, так как их на ней нет
Помните, вчера Дмитрий Рогозин сказал, что Россия закроет наземные станции позиционирования GPS в ответ на санкции США? Интересно, что никаких станций позиционирования GPS в РФ, оказывается, нет. На этой карте можно видеть расположение станций, которые использует система. Так о чём же говорил Рогозин? Речь, оказывается, идёт о пассивных...
Gentlemen! Sorry to interrupt. But this thread is called Interesting and Humorous. Your battles are neither interesting nor funny. A man wakes up, makes coffee, opens the forum - and instead of boobs sees your uninteresting discussion. That's what facebook is for, sorry.


Yeah, and I want boobs. And everything's interesting, except the squabbling and the reposting of private parts. Sorry.



Yeah, and I want boobs. and in general - everything is interesting, except squabbling and reposting private parts. pardon me.

Driving tits through tits
Saw titties through titties titties
Slipped tits through tits

Boobs, boobs, bo obs, boobs...

Gentlemen! Sorry to intrude. But the thread is called Interesting and Humour. Your battles are neither interesting nor funny. A man wakes up, makes coffee, opens the forum - and instead of boobs he sees your uninteresting discussion. That's what facebook is for, sorry.

Agreed. One last thing at all. Whose provocation started the battle? Therefore quite last.

1. I said it a year ago (MK), I said it in my profile half a year ago, I will say it now.

Punishing people with an open profile while being an anonymous (bot) is dishonest. Moderators should be here with an open profile. I'm not talking about admins and MC programmers. I'm talking about public moderators.

Look at Renat's profile - an open profile: name, surname, where he works, where he lives, and on Facebook in which city, and even personal photos. And he will have more 'enemies' than you and I put together.

What could a moderator have done in the past if he's afraid to reveal his profile? I'm only talking about moderators here who punish people PUBLICLY.

2. Our real life (and the life you see/inspire - on TV) - is known.
Let's make our life here on the mql5 forum better than the real life and than the TV? This is within our power.

That's it now.