Interesting and Humour - page 2230


Rick Genest is a zombie man.


Rick Genest is a zombie man.

You should open a separate thread - "Developmental pathologies and cretins".
You should open a separate thread, "Developmental Pathologies and Cretins".

You're right to point out that this is a serious forum.

There is no need to create a bunch of threads, one is enough.

Ученые в США предложили недоступный для перехвата метод обмена информацией
Ученые в США предложили недоступный для перехвата метод обмена информацией
ВАШИНГТОН, 14 мая. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС Андрей Шитов/. Группа ученых из США предложила способ обмена информацией по волоконно-оптическим сетям, недоступный для перехвата. Как сообщает Defense One, метод, основанный на использовании фазово-импульсной модуляции, позволяет скрывать не только содержание кодированного сообщения, но и сам факт его...

You're right to point out that this is a serious forum.

Why do you need to multiply the number of threads, one is enough.

Well, if you do not want "Developmental pathologies and morons," try something even closer, maybe even a party, like "Fools and roads".

Try it, it should work.


If you don't want "Developmental pathologies and morons", try something even closer, maybe it will become a party, like "Fools and roads".

Try it, you should be good at it.

Of course I will.

We were able to kick the bear out of the den, growling about how the grass in his forest is being pinched inappropriately.


Of course.

It did work to chase the bear out of his den, growling about how the grass in his woods is not being properly plucked.

Unfortunately I did not get the point (

I guess "Fools and Roads" has already started in this thread.


Unfortunately I didn't get the point (

I guess "Fools and Roads" has already started in this thread.

Well, the author of the branch, I see, bored.

And then came to life, began to impose order.