Interesting and Humour - page 2174


Fines for screening The Wolf of Wall Street are absurd, Shvydkoi said

Earlier several mass media reported that the Novosibirsk Central Court sentenced several cinema chains to fines totalling 4 million roubles for screening Martin Scorsese's film "The Wolf of Wall Street" under Art. 6.13 on drug propaganda.

"Unfortunately, the current legislation is so confusing and mutually exclusive that anything can be subsumed under any criminal punishment. It seems to me that one should not take it to the point of absurdity after all. Then we should ban Dostoevsky, Nabokov, Bunin, we could ban everything," Shvydkoi, the Russian president's special envoy for international cultural cooperation, told RIA Novosti.

The film "The Wolf of Wall Street" is based on the memoirs of the same name by the broker Jordan Belfort, played by Leonardo DiCaprio. The film shows his path from an intern at a Wall Street company to the successful founder of his own law firm. The main characters are not only engaged in business, but also constantly have parties with alcohol and drugs. The film has received a rental certificate from the Russian Ministry of Culture. Its box office receipts in Russia currently stand at nearly $14 million.

Штрафы за показ "Волка с Уолл-стрит" абсурдны, заявил Швыдкой
Штрафы за показ "Волка с Уолл-стрит" абсурдны, заявил Швыдкой
  • 2014.04.05
МОСКВА, 5 апр — РИА Новости. Ситуация с наказанием кинотеатров Новосибирска за показ фильма "Волк с Уолл-стрит", признанных виновными в пропаганде наркотиков, абсурдна — если запрещать кино по такому принципу, то можно, в конце концов, запретить вообще всё, считает спецпредставитель президента РФ по международному культурному сотрудничеству...
The documentary The Engineered Future (2006, William Gazecki) tells the story of a radically new quality of life and the far-reaching vision of Jacques Fresco, a man looked upon by many as the Leonardo da Vinci of our time. A contemporary of Albert Einstein and Buckminster Fuller, Jacques, a self-taught scientist and futurologist, often describes himself as a "universalist" or multidisciplinary scientist dealing with many interrelated fields of science.

Jacques Fresco is 97 years old and has spent almost his entire life working on inventions on various scales, using cutting-edge technology. As a futurologist, Jacques is not just a theorist and conceptualist, but more of an engineer and designer.

The VenusProject, named after the town of Venus, Florida, where he resides, works to spread a global vision of the future of humanity in this technological age. The Venus Project represents the culmination of his life's work: a concern for man and his environment, through the compilation of the best of science and technology into a comprehensive plan for a new quality of life.

Boy Petya smacked his hammer on the fingers of a labourer and got a five. At least, that's what he thought he got.

Many people think that if they run, they are prolonging their lives and that this is good for their health. But the latest research conducted by American scientists has found that it is the opposite - it shortens life and is not good for health.

Running to lose weight:

Cambodian News
Cambodian News
Many people think that running exercise make strong healthy longevity , but a new study in the United States found that people who exercise more , the short age .

Many people think that if they run, they are prolonging their lives and that this is good for their health. But the latest research conducted by American scientists has found that it is the opposite - it shortens life and is not good for health.

Running to lose weight:

Right... Somehow you have to justify your laziness and the obesity of the nation.