Interesting and Humour - page 2162


Under Yeltsin, chaos developed in the country.

I wanted to be sarcastic about the house, but then I realised that newdigital just forgot to put inverted commas on it :)
I am sitting in cafe. The guy comes up and says: - Young lady, can I pay for you?

So I pulled out the receipts for heating, gas, light and water... (c)

1 my photo
By the way, you can see how our roads are being patched)

for fun

boohooha) the tank thing is good)

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Computer and its capabilities.

SEVER11, 2014.04.01 06:40

Thinking about upgrading my "fleet".

I have been reading and researching watercooled systems. I have read and studied water-cooled systems, I am pondering my thoughts now.

What do the experts and aces have to say:

Maybe someone is already working on these "autos"?


Service cats

  1. Millie - security guard
  2. Ketzel - composer
  3. Rusik - anti-poacher
  4. Kuzya - assistant librarian
  5. Post cats in Belgium
  6. Mr Bigglesworth - actor
  7. Felichette - astronaut
  8. Oscar - comforter of the dying
  9. CIA spy cat
  10. Stubbs - mayor
  11. Larry - Britain's top mousecat
  12. Tama - station warden.

Служебные коты
Служебные коты
Оказывается, служебными могут быть не только собаки. Коты, которых все привыкли воспринимать либо как бездельников и сибаритов, либо как бравых крысоловов, тоже могут выполнять достаточно сложную работу и занимать ответственными должности. Вот некоторые из таких «деловых» котов. Рабочие одного из английских складов игрушек Bandai решили не...