Interesting and Humour - page 2131

Fausto Papetti - Samba pa ti



In the beginning there were investors for 20 times more (20 million) than they decided to raise (100k).

Daughter to mother:
  • Mum, they say I'm not normal.
  • Who says so?
  • Flies.

Why is iBeacon the future?

iBeacon – это небольшой маячок, размером со спичечный коробок. Такой передатчик легко повесить на стену или закрепить на столике в кафе. Само по себе устройство очень простое, и не вещает ничего, кроме своего идентификационного номера. Как почему столько шума вокруг этой новой технологии?

You have just crossed the threshold of a café and the barista is already shouting at you: "Hi, Borya! It's been a long time since you've been here. The usual?". The waiter is not Sherlock Holmes. He doesn't have an excellent memory or developed deductive powers. He just read your name, your visitation history and the fact that you like cinnamon cappuccino a lot on his tablet a second ago. The technology did it all: the phone picked up the signal and transmitted to the restaurant's server, "I'm here.

The beacons can do more than just recognise visitors. They can help with navigation: the distance is determined with an accuracy of 5-7 centimetres. And the range of the signal is up to 50 metres. The technology is already being implemented in airports and large supermarkets - you won't get lost.

Text, certificates, coupons or videos can be transmitted to the customer's phone. And of course, this can be done at the right place and at the right time, for example, when a customer enters a cinema, the phone will show a movie teaser and reviews, and also offer to buy tickets.


To remember!

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Актеры и роли.
"Yandex buys Israeli start-up KitLocate

This morning, Russian company Yandex announced a deal to buy Israeli start-up KitLocate.
The software product of the Israeli company allows to continuously track a user's location only at his request, rather than constantly, as most of the existing applications on the market do,
without consuming the energy of a mobile device's battery and is used in applications for smartphones, such as Israkard payment services and an application to find parking spaces.
Yandex is expected to open an office in Tel Aviv.
Last year, Yandex bought Israeli start-up, which created facial recognition software. The Russian giant eventually sold that company to Mark Zuckerberg.
What's with the crossed out Bears, did I miss something?
What's with the crossed-out Mishek, did I miss something?

"Crime and Punishment.

They've got everyone in a tight grip here now.

Two pages of "high-level talks" were smashed again yesterday.


"Crime and Punishment.

They've got everyone in a tight grip here now.

Two pages of "high-level talks" crashed again yesterday.

The first signs of a withering forum! Or the second, I've recently encountered one myself...

On other forums, too, began, with the cutting of everything and everything, communication withers, the forum dies, the great examples of the flowering and withering of the forums of major brokers ... I don't know, I'd have to look at the rules of this forum again so I wouldn't get into trouble by accident...

For the last five months I've started to lose interest in the forum, branches are updated from case to case, I haven't had time to follow branches before, and now there's no reason to follow them, I go in out of habit, here too, and here the bears have already been hit, it's a pity, it was a good forum then!

I wonder if new post statistics for forum admins is visible in general or separated from deleted, does no one notices the falling down of the statistics for new posts, you are my analytical ....