Interesting and Humour - page 2047

Why Double ?

All right, let's take SCOBAR. In Peter, it's a swear word. It's sort of a mixture of a boorish ignorant lumpen.

And now in Pskov and for a long time in St. Petersburg, it's just a country identification.

// Pskovites specialized in hardware.

What is your basis for believing that COHOL is a swear word?

In St Petersburg a couple of years ago I heard"it's a total derebas", I couldn't Google it.


In St Petersburg a couple of years ago I heard"it's a total deribas", I couldn't Google it.

I googled deribas. maybe phonetically misinterpreted...,_%D0%9E%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BF_%D0%9C%D0%B8%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87

It's all about the Americanization of Russian citizens by their culture. You've seen too many movies, and that's it... a nigger. Firing squad. A nigger hanged. A nigger, drowned. It's just a race. That's just, just, just a race. Afro-skinnies will come and call us Russians... And we'll say no, you assholes, we're Yeniseo-Siberians, orVostepi-Hakassians...
Dear fellow, do you know exactly what Pushkin lived by? In a private conversation? Afro is Afro, the law is the same for everyone.)

You certainly miss trolling. I understand. Also, perhaps you've had a little bit to drink.

Pushkin never went abroad during his life, he supported the Decembrists, and by his works one can study the language of that time - he didn't have rhymes for the sake of rhyme, as words sound in his poems, which is how they sounded then.

It's all about the Americanization of Russian citizens by their culture. You've seen too many movies, and that's it... a nigger. Firing squad. A nigger hanged. A nigger, drowned. It's just a race. That's just, just, just a race. Afro-skinnies will come and call us Russians... And we'll say: no, you assholes, we are Yeniseo-Siberians, orVostepi-Hakassians...
Nonsense, of course. You can call anyone a Khohol, a katsap, a kike, a Chukchi. А ... "nigger" (ts) on a Russian-speaking resource - nicht!

In St. Petersburg a couple of years ago I heard"it's a total dereb", I couldn't google it.

I have never heard of it.

With the growth of oil began to come first from other regions, then from the Slavs, then from the other former republics.

The vocabulary has broadened.

And in Moscow it's probably a mess, I haven't been there in a long time.


I have never heard of it.

With the growth of oil began to come first from other regions, then from the Slavs, then from the other former republics.

The vocabulary widened.

Well, the guy from St. Petersburg did. He was an instructor in a course. We found out from him that the phrase is synonymous with "total kolkhoz". I mean, very rough workmanship, "clumsy workmanship".
Contender: What kind of joke is that? With respect to Pushkin, "afro" is a lewd one. Pushkin lived Russia.

No comment.

I have great respect for Pushkin, but it's no crime to make a joke about him. All the more so, he was a big joker himself.

By the way, the inhabitants of the Black Continent think they own him. Without any vulgarity.

Mischek : What is your basis for believing that COHOL is a swear word?

Actually I have no grounds at all, and in Russia this word is rather playful than sweary. Well, it's about the same as "frogman" to the French. I doubt the French take much offence to it.

But, let us say, in Ukraine, especially closer to the Western Ukraine, such identification may be, to put it mildly, deeply offended.