Interesting and Humour - page 1926


I would, for six months.


The function of hunting vipers is not crucial for the hedgehog and vipers do not represent a significant part of its diet. Probably some hedgehogs do not have the opportunity to hunt vipers in their entire life, but only a hedgehog can defeat such an animal, against which rabbits and even man are powerless

Only very long and sharp needles allow the hedgehog to stand up to its enemies. If you look at all its properties, it turns out that the hedgehog is simply meant to destroy snakes. The viper cannot hear, and only reacts to rapid movement. In order to grab a snake, the hedgehog has to approach it very slowly. The hedgehog has very short legs, which simply do not allow him to move quickly. After that, he uses "high-level" technology to destroy the viper.

In a fight with a snake, he doesn't try to grab it right on the head. It crawls up to the snake cautiously, with needles hanging down its sides to the ground, protecting its short legs, and needles sticking out on its forehead, pointing directly at the enemy, protecting the hedgehog's head, its only unprotected body part. It grabs the snake very quickly where it can and immediately hides under the thorns.

The viper expects its adversary to be a common mammal and requires direct contact with the body of the animal, but the hedgehog does not. The viper under no circumstances can reach the body of the hedgehog and at any attempt to bite, it runs into needles. Meanwhile, the hedgehog very slowly over the snake, breaking all its vertebrae and thus depriving it of the possibility to jump. After being handled by the hedgehog, the viper turns out to be a simple piece of meat and to the hedgehog is no longer indistinguishable from a mere worm. In this state, the hedgehog is able to let go of the viper and eat it.


I wonder if cat and hedgehog assortments can make a good meal.

or will it always turn out to be crap?

Roast hedgehog stuffed with turnips and white wine, under pears and rosemary.
Hedgehogs can be caught at any time of year, but their meat is at its best in July and August. The ones caught during winter hibernation are very fatty and not very tasty.
Medium-sized urchin - 1 piece.
Turnips - 100-150 gr.
Onions - 30 gr.
White dry wine - 200 gr.
Salt, pepper, rosemary, cloves - to taste.
Take a medium-sized hedgehog and carefully peel it. Scald the hedgehog without thorns. Preferably it should be put to death. The hedgehog should be gutted carefully without damaging the skin. Separate liver and kidneys, rinse in cold running water and put in salted water for 3 hours.
Boil the hedgehog carcass for 10-15 minutes in salted water.
Peel the turnips, cut into 1 cm by 1 cm cubes, pour white wine, chop the hedgehog liver and kidneys and onions, cover with spices and salt. Keep it for 2-3 hours, strain thoroughly and stuff the hedgehog with this mixture.
Fry the hedgehog in plenty of oil on a frying pan for 30-40 minutes, turning it regularly. Once it is evenly crusted, braise under a lid over low heat for 20-30 minutes until tender.
Serve hot, garnished with rosemary sprigs and fresh pears

I wonder if cat and hedgehog assortments can make a good meal.

or will it always turn out to be crap?

A cat is not a guinea pig you can just roast. Cooking a cat (any kind, from a domestic cat to a tiger) is an art form. The meat has to be cooked and prepared properly. Otherwise it will not only be tasteless, but simply disgusting.
But first of all you have to fatten up the cat properly!
As a rule, cats are not properly fed, but rather young, exhausted cats. At the age of one year such a well-fed cat can reach five or six kilos, and even more, of live weight!
In no case you should not feed the cat with "specialized" store-bought food. No one but the producers know what chemicals are used to make it. At first you feed it to the cat, and then you will have to eat all the cat's food.
Do not feed fish or seafood to your cat. This will affect the taste of the cat's food.
Separate the head, tail and toe joints from the cat carcass. And do not use giblets. It has no culinary value.
Cat meat is usually cooked whole in one piece with bones.
But, the cat carcass must be prepared for cooking beforehand.

1. Prepare cat meat for cooking beforehand.
Cooking of cat meat starts with stripping the carcass of fat. Cat fat has an unpleasantly soapy taste with a strong bitterness and has a characteristic "cat" smell that does not disappear even after cooking. Even the Vietnamese and Thais, who are even more omnivorous than the omnivorous Chinese, do not eat cat fat. In cats the meat itself, though tender and juicy, does not contain any fat. All fat is deposited in the subcutaneous and gut layers. It comes off easily and without trace. It must be removed together with the film. To facilitate the removal of the fat, you can rub the carcass with coarse rock salt and leave it for a couple of hours. After removing the fat and the fat film, rinse the carcass well under running water.
After removing the fat, the cat carcass must be battered and marinated.
For battering, place the cat carcass on a large, thick (preferably oak) cutting board with the back side up. While beating the carcass with a wooden hammer on the back part, flatten it on the cutting board. The carcass will marinate and stew in this flattened form.

2. Marinating the cat.
To prepare marinade for every 1 kilo of cat carcass net weight take:
- 100 millilitres of boiling cold water;
- 50 milliliters of unrefined sunflower oil;
-3 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
-100 grams freshly crushed garlic;
-1/2 teaspoon ground ginger and ground nutmeg;
-1/4 level coffee spoonful of finely ground bay leaf
-5 powdered dry clove buds;
- Three peas of black, white and pink pepper.
Salt to taste. The mixture is well whipped in a blender to a homogeneous mass. The marinade is ready.
Take a metal enameled tray, lay the whole surface of the tray with thinly sliced rings of onion (white or yellow; purple or red onion should not be transferred). Lay the cat carcass on top of the onions with the back side up, pour the marinade over it. Cover the carcass on top with a smaller baking tray. But such that it would completely cover the whole carcass. Put a burden on top: a couple or two bricks. Marinate the carcass for as many hours as a kilo of pure weight in the carcass, plus one hour.

3. final cooking of the cat meat.
As soon as it is well marinaded, we free the cat from the oppression. Remove onions and remaining marinade from the baking tray. Cover the surface of the baking tray with cabbage leaves (don't experiment with grape leaves - they won't improve the taste). Pour about a centimetre layer of 10% cream over the surface of the cabbage leaves. Place the kitty carcass on top of the cabbage, back to back. Pour a centimetre-long layer of 10% cream on top of the cat. Cover the whole surface of the carcass with cabbage leaves. Cover everything on top with a smaller baking tray. Place a gasket on the tray and put it in the oven.

Stew the cat, depending on its weight, for an hour and a half or two hours at 110-120 degrees.
It is served hot to the table. Before serving it is divided into portions. Any garnish. Any sauce.
What a crisis in the country, everyone is eating hedgehogs and cats
What a crisis in the country, everyone's eating hedgehogs and cats.
I'd kill the second one.

I'd put them away for six months.

Right in front of me, about 10 metres from behind the UAZ, two mothers like that jumped out of the zebra crossing. I hit the brakes, and there was ice. The A.V.S. was cracking, pounding on my pedals - whatever... They heard the car sliding and ran. And the kids fell out of the sled and lay right on the road in front of the out-of-control car. While I was helplessly sliding towards them (I was about five metres away) I remembered everything... I stopped right in front of them. The worst thing was that it was dangerous to manoeuvre at that moment. I could hardly stop in time, if I had braked and started to turn away from them - I could hit with a wheel, and as they were straight ahead - in front of the front bumper. I hoped the speed was low (I only drove away myself), only 40 kilometres, I hoped for a minor impact.

Stopped flush with them, didn't hit them. I got out of the car and was savagely scolded by these two swans that had already regained consciousness of their kids on the other side of the road. What I didn't learn about myself from them. Bitches. They should be locked up for six months for sure.

No, it's not a problem.